Browse Comparisons

Informed people are just happier. Considering information from many sources and points of view help smart people make smarter decisions and form more enlightened opinions. welcomes you to run through comparison articles in our Browse area. News, novelties, notices and need-to-knows are readily available for your reading entertainment.

  • Results: 1 to 11 of 11 selected comparisons
Sub Category selected: "Televisions"[clear selection]
Samsung LED vs. Sony Bravia
Two of the leading names in the category of electronics, Sony and Samsung present you the best aesthetics, quality and features that no other company can match up to. The companies are...
comparison topics: Samsung LED, Sony Bravia
Edge Lit vs. Backlit: Which is better LED TV?
Each television has a different way of displaying picture using different resolutions. The colors and contrasts are all different as well as the appearances. Although some people may think...
comparison topics: Edge Lit LED, Backlit LED
LED TV vs. 3D TV: How is 3D better?
Television is a form of media which has been evolving since it was first introduced to the market more than a hundred years ago. Before modern times, the TV used to be black and white...
comparison topics: LED TV, 3D TV
Plasma TV vs. LCD TV vs. LED TV
When the time comes to choose between Plasma, LCD and LED TV, things can become complicated. There are two powerful and competing technologies with great features in similar packages....
comparison topics: Plasma TV, LCD TV, LED TV
Local Dimming vs. Precision Dimming: What's the difference?
People who are on the lookout for a new HDTV are often confused by the myriad terminologies and catch phrases that characterize the industry nowadays, and some would probably reminisce...
comparison topics: Local Dimming, Precision Dimming
Samsung 3D vs. Sony 3D: Best 3D for Your Money
3D technology has finally come to the world of consumer electronics and with various TV manufacturers scrambling all over themselves to release their 3D-capable models, you can bet that...
comparison topics: Samsung 3D, Sony 3D
1080p vs. 1080i vs. 720p
1080p and 1080i is how the The multimedia world today is so different from what people experienced some twenty to thirty years ago. In that time frame, the jump technology has taken is...
comparison topics: 1080p, 1080i, 720p
3D Holographic TV vs. 3D TV: What's the difference?
3D televisions are the latest invention in the world of televisions and as the name suggests, they allow users to view three-dimensional programs and also play three-dimensional video...
comparison topics: 3D Holographic TV, 3D TV
1080i vs. 1080p
We all love watching television and usually do it at least for a few minutes or hours a day. As the years progressed, televisions went from a few inches of black and white to huge...
comparison topics: 1080i, 1080p
Plasma 3D TV vs. LED 3D TV: The Best Depth?
The debate between Plasma TVs and LED TVs has been going on for a long time and with the advent of 3D, it has only intensified. LED TVs are actually LCD TVs with LED backlighting and LCD...
comparison topics: Plasma 3D TV, LED 3D TV
Samsung 3D vs. Panasonic 3D: Which is better 3D TV?
There has always been a cold war between Samsung and Panasonic, especially since Plasma TVs came into being. Panasonic performs comparatively well in this sector and Samsung is considered...
comparison topics: Samsung 3D, Panasonic 3D