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Sub Category selected: "Space"[clear selection]
Asteroid vs. Comet vs. Meteor
People have wondered since ancient times which are the mysteries the space holds. With the help of technology and science we learned about asteroids, comets and meteors. We understand...
comparison topics: Asteroid, Comet, Meteor
Time Travel vs. Wormhole: Which is more plausible?
One of the most intriguing concepts in modern physics and all time favorite of science fiction producers time travel has gained widespread popularity. Time travel, as the name...
comparison topics: Time Travel, Wormhole
Solar Flare vs. Solar Prominence vs. Coronal Mass Ejections
The sun is the Earth's source of life, giving the planet and all its inhabitants the energy and light it needs to survive. Placed perfectly at the center of the solar system, this life...
Earth vs. Mars: Hosting Humanity?
Earth and Mars are the two planets in our solar system that have a lot more common with each other than any other pair, although they of course have a number of key differences, with the...
comparison topics: Earth, Mars
Space Station vs. Moon Base
Man’s explorations into space has always been the stuff of legend, and space stations and moon bases have played a significant role in various cinematic and literary depictions of space...
comparison topics: Space Station, Moon Base
Galaxy vs. Universe
When the discussion of how the world came to be arises, including our solar system and beyond, we ponder our evolution and why we evolved so differently from the myriad of plants and...
comparison topics: Galaxy, Universe
Astronauts vs. Cosmonauts
The words "astronaut" and "cosmonaut" mean essentially the same thing, yet there remain enough cultural connotations to almost make them seemingly distinct professions. In this comparison...
comparison topics: Astronauts, Cosmonauts