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Alka Seltzer vs. Tums: Acid Busters
Heartburn can be quite a bother for everyone, but for some of the more unfortunate, it is something that they have to live with constantly. Chronic heartburn sufferers are well advised...
comparison topics: Alka Seltzer, Tums
Pepto Bismol vs. Imodium vs. Kaopectate
Heartburn is a painful and bothersome condition that is oftentimes the result of a more serious underlying problem. Thankfully most cases are only temporary, and they frequently respond...
comparison topics: Pepto Bismol, Imodium, Kaopectate
Prozac vs. Paxil vs. Cymbalta
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental conditions known to man, and many millions of people the world over actually suffer from it without realizing that they are depressed. The...
comparison topics: Prozac, Paxil, Cymbalta
Vicodin vs. Ultram: Painkillers Exposed
It is an unfortunate fact of life that physical pain is bound to occur at one point or another in each of our livesĀ and along with that comes the need for pain relievers. While such...
comparison topics: Vicodin, Ultram
Xanax vs. Valium vs. Ativan: Sweet Dreams
Millions of people all over the world suffer from a potentially serious condition in which they are unable to get a basic need that many of us take for granted: a good nights sleep....
comparison topics: Xanax, Valium, Ativan
Over The Counter Drugs vs. Prescription Drugs
For people who are looking for medication to treat a specific health condition, the choice often boils down to over-the-counter drugs or prescription medications. While there are certain...
Dalmane vs. Restoril vs. Ambien: Popular Insomnia Options
Insomnia is a problem that millions of people all over the world face on a dailyor rather, nightlybasis, and it often seems as of there is no solution in site. While many simply opt to...
comparison topics: Dalmane, Restoril, Ambien
Pepcid vs. Zantac: Comparing Antacids
Hyperacidity is something that many people unfortunately have to go through, and for some, the condition is a chronic one. Thankfully, there are numerous medications available over the...
comparison topics: Pepcid, Zantac
Vicodin vs. Oxycodone vs. Percocet: What's the difference?
A narcotic is a psychoactive compound mixed with opioids like heroin and morphine to relieve a patient of severe pain. As narcotics may be used for drug abuse as well, their manufacture,...
comparison topics: Vicodin, Oxycodone, Percocet