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Informed people are just happier. Considering information from many sources and points of view help smart people make smarter decisions and form more enlightened opinions. welcomes you to run through comparison articles in our Browse area. News, novelties, notices and need-to-knows are readily available for your reading entertainment.

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Sonia Gandhi vs. Rahul Gandhi
The Gandhi clan has been ruling India for quite some time now. Gandhis came into power when Jawahar Lal Nehru was elected as the first Prime Minister of India in 1947. Since his victory,...
comparison topics: Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi
Blackjack vs. Poker: How Good is Your Poker Face?
Blackjack and poker are two of the most popular card games to be played in the casinos, whether online or in the real world. Both games attract huge numbers of people anywhere they are...
comparison topics: Blackjack, Poker
History vs. Political Science
The study of history is one of the loftier academic pursuits and its value in terms of giving us a clearer understanding of our past as well as helping us shape our future cannot be...
comparison topics: History, Political Science
Fate vs. Karma: What is the Difference?
Fate and karma are two subjects people talk about when discussing theĀ future of a person. Destiny is a concept that most people believe in, with the difference being largely between the...
comparison topics: Fate, Karma
G8 vs. G20: What is the difference?
The G8, or Group of Eight, and the G20, or Group of Twenty, are both international groups that have been created in order to allow some of the richest and most influential countries in...
comparison topics: G8, G20
Special Interests vs. Lobby
Special interests and lobbies have enabled the voice of the regular person to be heard in law courts and hearings around the world. Both serve similar roles, although they have different...
comparison topics: Special Interests, Lobbies