Arab vs. Persian

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Difference between Arab and Persian

People these days are often confused about the differences between the Persian and Arabic communities. Those unfamiliar will, at times, mistake the two as one. Amidst the conflicts in the middle-eastern countries, the North-African Arabs have always maintained close relations with Iran only because of the limited links between the two. The fact stands that both Persians and Arabs are mostly unrelated except for a few similarities. Language-wise, ‘Farsi,’ also referred to as Persian, is the official language of Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan, whereas Arabic is used by the people of North Africa, Middle-East, Egypt, Syria, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.


Persian and Arabic share the same script but are vastly different languages. Most Persians speak Farsi and do not speak Arabic. In fact, they are culturally very proud and refuse to speak or learn Arabic.

Arabic is spoken by the Arab league of countries and they pronounce the same script in very different ways. The two languages are easily discernible in that the intonations of Arabic are very clearly different from Farsi when spoken.


The relations between Arabian countries and Persian ones have been strained to say the least. At times there have been severe conflicts between the two communities and their countries but also there have been times when the two communities have been peaceful. There have also been problems with the Islamic revolution if Iran, after which their foreign relationships underwent a dramatic change. Some of the ambivalent Arab countries became friendlier towards Iran whilst others who were previously known as friendly reduced their support.


The Arab League’s capital is Cairo whereas Iran’s capital is Tehran. Since the Arab League is much larger, it covers an area of around 13.9 million sq. kilometres against the 1.6 million sq. kilometres area that Iran occupies. However, due to this difference Iran has a higher population density of 45/ against the 25/ of the Arab league.


Iran is governed by a form of theocracy and is an Islamic republic. Arab league countries are either governed by their own regional organizations and political unions. However, when Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran declared that the monarchy went completely against the teachings of Islam, many Arab leaders became hostile towards the country.


Iran’s population is about 98% Islam followers with the majority being Shi’a (90% of total population). The remaining 2% are religious minorities such as Christians, Zoroastrians, Yarsanis, Bahai’s and Mandeans. The Arab league has 90% Islamic followers followed by 5.8% Christians and 4% religious minorities.

Similarities and Differences

  • Even though Persians and Arabs have similarities in many aspects, they have been known to be extremely hostile towards each other. However, there have been times of peace as well.
  • The Farsi and the Arabic languages share the same script but have different pronunciations. Persians predominantly speak Farsi with a cultural pride making them actively stop from speaking Arabic.
  • Iran underwent an Islamic revolution and is now a republic but other Arab countries do not always support these ideals.


comments 9 Comments

  • raseel . 3+ yrs. ago

it is true that iran has majority of shi'a, but they are extremely mad about Al Ahwaz; which is a district of arab descent population and are sunna. Iran even forces alahwas people to change their arabic names and frequently teases them just becaus they are from arab origin and not shi'aa!!

  • Iran(lion& sun) . 3+ yrs. ago

Persians people have not Islamic Republic ... It's just for a government & fascist politic of the world. That's enough & persian gulf is history of Iran. If you R not sure, so make sure you read some history book.

  • Hamide . 3+ yrs. ago

The oldest name is persian gulf and in all af original books you just see persian gulf so why some countries want to change it, any where this is not rotin

  • jack . 3+ yrs. ago

down with Arabs.

  • Moein . 3+ yrs. ago

Down with arab

  • zohreh . 3+ yrs. ago

percian golf for evry tim

  • zohreh . 3+ yrs. ago

percian golf for evry time.....

  • Shahriyar . 3+ yrs. ago

Arabs are some nomad people who lives in huge deserts and just saying Al...Al

Trust me their language is just ALs

  • Guest1120 . 3+ yrs. ago

Raseel, check your facts ahwaz borders southern iraq they are Arab but are Shia. Sunnis are the Baluch in southeast iran

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