Colbert Report on Comedy Central or O'Reilly Factor on Fox Network: Which show gives more insightful commentary?

  • Colbert Report on Comedy Central
  • O'Reilly Factor on Fox Network
Please select one to answer and see the result


Colbert Report on Comedy Central - 4O'Reilly Factor on Fox Network - 2
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I can't write too much about O'Reilly before seeing red - I don't deal very well with belligerent, sociopathic arrogance. I'll start with Colbert.

For starters, Colbert naturally has the better position, simply given his role as satirist. That being said, Colbert is able to harness his role and simultaneously demolish faulty and/or ignorant reasoning while also giving a subtle nod to the more reasonable approach - his execution of this role is phenomenal.

Bill O'Reilly...well Bill O'Reilly is an interesting man. With all the crazy things he says - often with such seeming impulsivity - he appeals to the most basic, undeveloped (fallacious) human tendencies. I must admit, he CAN be persuasive. However, a close up look at how he arrives at conclusions is a fantastic way to learn, study, and exemplify formal and informal logical fallacies. His passion is either that of a true (albeit misguided) "traditional" conservative patriot, or else it is that of a narcissistic sociopath masquerading as the former. I have lived much of my life with a figure who embodies Bill to an eerie degree of similarity (whether learned from Fox's own Bill or by mere coincidence) and I can attest that even if it is the latter, there's a chance they have simply duped themselves into believing their own fabricated, narrow-minded world view.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I never laugh as hard all day long. We always look forward to the 10:30 time CDT, he really has GREAT writers. REALLY FUNNY.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
O'Reilly is an idiot
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
O'Reilly is uptight and incredibly biased towards his political leanings. At least Colbert can laugh at himself.
  • Anonymous . November 2022
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Presents both sides fairly, doesn't pick and choose
"talking points" favorable to only one side.

No half-truths like 'I created 4.2 million jobs"
but doesn't mention that 23 mil were lost. GRRRRR

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