Owning A Home or Renting An Apartment: Which option is over-rated?

  • Owning A Home
  • Renting An Apartment
Please select one to answer and see the result


Owning A Home - 1Renting An Apartment - 2
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I've rented for many years until I finally decided to buy a home 6 years ago. I had signifivantly more money in my savings before I owned a home. The upkeep is a headache and so are the taxes, insurance and overall utilities. Being single now I only use half the home so it's a waste of space. Would I ever do it again...no!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
When you own a home there are more choice how the space can be used. Financially it creates equity that can be used vs. rent which there is no equity. Home ownership because an investment that when sold the resources can be used to purchase other property or for retirement. Parking is more readily available with a home. Use the space and make renovations as you please.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Landlords do not do much for up keep unless you pay an exuberantly for the apartment, are slow to make repairs and
You cannot even pain the walls.

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