Equal - 17
Taste exactly like sugar. Works best in cold food/drinks. Cooks/bakes out with heat. I love it for sugar-free ice cream..
I like equal with my tea I don't eat sugar I been off of sugar- for five- year now and I don't drink soda just want and under sweet tea
like it better
It have no after taste.
It has no aftertaste and tastes the most like sugar.
not bad aftertaste
Tastes less worse.
Less aftertaste than others.
Equal just tastes better than Sweet N Low or Splenda......Hands down..
Just tastes better
Tastes best
I think this is an excellent product. I feel like it is much more healthier and better in my coffe. Splenda is to sugary and feels unnatural
It doesn't leave an aftertaste in your mouth.
aspartame is more widely used and i can't taste the aftertaste as much as saccharin
Wish I could find it on the shelf at the store. Overrun with Sweet N Low and Splenda
Sweet N Low - 44
splenda doesn't dissolves in cold liquids as well as sweet and low and equal messes with my asthma.
it's sweet
i was raised on this
It seems to be sweeter to me
I've been using for years. I have lost weight, gained weight and tried other brands such as equal, Splenda, truvia Stevia...I also seem to go back to Sweet n Lo. I was around when it was invented. I remember getting gumballs in the mail to try the "new" fad.
I enjoy Splenda too, never Equal (yuk!). But I primarily use my good old, reliable Sweet N Low due to price - better value for my fixed income dollar!!
doesn't contain aspartame
Because it's never left a nasty after taste, in all the years (30+) that I've used it. Trying the others, INCLUDING equals so-called "same-as-Sweet'N Low"!, continues to leave a nasty taste! A waitress at some restaurant told me they didn't have my preferred Sweet'N Low, but, the other "pink packet" was exactly the same.... Much to my demise, it WAS NOT, as, I know the exact taste my iced tea has with Sweet'N Low, and, it was nowhere near that flavor that I know so well! Needless to say, I am explaining it today! There HAS to be a reason why it wouldn't taste exactly the's because it is NOT EXACTLY the same!! If there is No Sweet'N Low on the table, I DO NOT get my favorite drink (Iced Tea)
Thank You ~ April Wykle, Ohio
Least "tasteful"... I think that it is more sweet without contributing it's own taste like Splenda or even Stevia (not listed).
I started out with it many years ago and though I have often switched to Equal (Stevia tastes awful to me and I had gas and cramping) So 90% if the time, I stick with Sweet and low.
I've gotten used to it.
It just seems to taste better
I think it Sweet n low taste the best because it tastes similar to using real sugar.
I only use sugar substitute in my coffee. Equal tastes funny in coffee to me, Splenda makes it too sweet, and Sweet and Low is just right. Oddly though I use Sweet and Low in coffee I do no like sugar in my coffee. Go figure! ;>)
No after taste like Equal or Splenda..
Think it tastes best
Aspartame is definitely linked to causing headaches! I quit using products with this ingredient and my headaches have calmed down tremendously!
tastes the best
It gives me the sweetness with only a half packet for my coffee and saves me calories.
It taste so much better.
Only takes 1 packet and it's a perfect sweetness for my coffee. The others do not me that. I have to add more and it's never quite right. Plus Sweet and Low dissolves better in both cold and hot drinks.
It has less of an aftertaste
Taste not bittner like equal or splenda
tasts best
It is the sweetest out of all three, which is why I like it best.
sweeter taste
better tasting
healthier then splenda cooler pacaging then equal
Small amount goes a long way
I just like the taste of it.
Dissolves the best
i have found no side effect on it. but splenda may be risk of blood thinner. as well as my other friend said that ingredients does not benefit to healthy life. i do not know it will be better for diabetic. i am not diabetic. please advised me which one will be better for not diabetes people. but close to diabetes.i have splenda/equal/costco made sweetener/pure via/and sweet n low have 2000 pac in storage.
because **** you thats why
Everywhere seems to have splenda now and not sweet n low. I am used to sweet n low and cant get used to splenda or equal.
closest taste to sugar
I prefer Sweet N Low in my tea over any other sweetener.
much less of an aftertaste
tastes better
Love it!
Natural sweet flavor and no after taste
Splenda - 56
it does not leave a bitter taste in your mouth like splendor does , and you need lees of it than equal
I can taste the sweetness right away.
it taste better
Fearful of aspartame and sweet n low tastes too chemicalish
Splenda taste more like real sugar!
Taste like sugar
no after taste
Not as much aftertaste
I was using Truvia then found out it contained erythritol and no stevia. I have tried Equal and Sweet N Low, they both have a bitter aftertaste and contain chemicals that can cause cancer. Truvia's side effects are diarrhea, headaches, and stomachache but it does not affect blood sugar or insulin levels and has a zero glycemic index.
taste more like real sugar with no after taste :)
It tastes almost exactly like sugar, and dissolved easily.
Taste buds.
Taste says it all!
tastes better
Very sweet and has no after taste
i just wanted to see the results
No after-taste
No bitter aftertaste
It is as close to real sugar in taste as I have found.
It tastes more like sugar to me.
no after taste
I like it best because it does not have aspertame in it.
taste most closely like sugar, albeit sweeter
Tastes good!
the best tatse
It tastes like real sugar
After trying all 3 I like Spleda best.
equal is too noticeable with its aftertaste and sweet n low is awfully bitter!
because it has a better flavor, I do not like saccarin flavor from sweet'n low
It tastes more like sugar
To me, it doesn't have the bitter aftertaste of the others.
Less bite and no aftertaste like Equal, SNL, stuvia, etc
It tastes more natural than saccharin and I'm afraid of aspartame.
Not sure.
Taste more like the real thind!
have tried Equal (it now comes in yellow packets easily confused with Splenda) and use Splenda on a regular basis,No after taste, would not even consider Sweet & Low, tastes AWFULL./
right amt of sweetness, no after taste
It's the sweetest. One packet can sweeten an entire cup of tea.
Because I use splenda in baking and making drinks. It taste more like sugar. I recommend it to everybody.
taste good
because it doesn't have any grade of Carbohidrates
I tried Equal and Sweet N Low and they both changes the flavor of the drink or food where as Splenda do not. Thanks!
leaves no after taste
It has a very natural taste
disloves faster/better and it's sweeter, thereby allowing me to use less. Also able to substitue sugar in my recipes.
Tastes more like sugar. no after taste.
Tastes more like sugar, less chemical taint, possibly less toxic to the body. It costs more but I have recently switched from Sweet N Low.
It tastes the best and is the least harmful
Can be consumed daily without the taste and side-effects delivered by Aspartame and Saccharin.
It tastes like sugar
I like splenda. It tastes like sugar. Equal and Sweet n Low tastes like chemicals.
Doens't taste articifical