the air is fresher and healthier, less spending time inside, and no crime to kill you. Everything you eat is fresh without chemicals ect.
I have been working in the city for 15 years until pandemic came. I resort to going back to my Dad/Mom's farm and living here for 2 years. Time seems to be longer here and as a result, I can do something more. Even if I am remotely working from home, I got the chance of being with my family, cousins, etc. I also have the opportunity to visit the forest, rivers and be one with nature. Indeed, life here in the farm is more relaxing, rewarding and simple enough that you can save a lot without spending much.
Also I have been to a farm and stayed there for a year on the other side of the world. But I get eggs and give eggs to my friends from a farm in Canada, it is my relative I have known for 5 years.
I think the farm will lead to a longer life because its foods don't get sprayed with medicine and the kids will have fun with the animals at the farm
because it is
Less stress.
I feel like I would be closer to my family be more grateful and learn how to work much harder
more groan food
less peen dawg
Because I grew up in a farm, I am living in the city now, but I will go back to my farm someday
Less stress, likelihood of fresh food fresh air. happier life. reduced pollution
I am a farm girl and we live in peace, we plough and eat things that are from the soil not processed with chemicals.
Because people live in City doesn't have good health because of bad things
because i could **** anyone
Because it gives you work instead of lying on the couch unhealthy
My family lived on farms their whole lives and they have lived to be in their 100's
You are able to relax more and enjoy your life more, so it seems longer even if may not quite be
more healthier, more time with family, possibly friends, less technology, more beauty in nature
Living on a farm means that the work one does every day makes them strong and, barring any serious injury, gives the person a better chance of living longer.
Oh,its just because i live in the country. And my Grandpa lived up to 98. And my other grandpa died of 84 and he lived in the city.
because i uesed to live in a farm.
because there is such peaceful,less stress and complete healthy.That is one the safe place ever you live in.
Not so stressed out all the time and always relaxed with nobody to worry about.
In 2017 there has already been 1465 homicides and 1002 murder by gun in 2000 a study stated that the rate of death among farmers is 22.1 per 100,000 workers, which is high. however the majority of those deaths come from poor safety protocol and poor decision making. if we as an industry choose to be safer when conducting our work there will be no doubt in any ones mind that farming is safer.
because there are less likely to be bad people and the people that live on the farm tend to be a lot nicer than people in the city.
There is a better environment on the farm and it is healthier.
u can live longer
because it is more peace full
less stress
There are a wide variety of jobs and education in the city, but on the farm you learn manners, self-discipline, common sense, and ingenuity.You can learn how to take care of animals and show love for them. But in the city you can make friends and learn people skills.I personaly love the beauty of living on a farm and the freedom of building things and playing.
Because your less likely to get shot
Because there are less people to annoy and stress you into aging more i shorter times.
because farms do not have pollutions,junk food,and etc...
bc its a great way to maintain resposibility
in city there is too much pollution
Peace and less noise.
I did live in all the environments.City,Farm,Real,City suburb.
Nations Czech,Slovak,Yugoslavia,Italy,USA.
Growing up doing hard work and breathing fresh air is good for health in general, I would think. And cities are very stressful environments that can lead young people to illogical or rash actions or just to a messed up view of what's wrong and what's right. Pressure in cities makes it easier for middle school, highschool, and college students can be drawn into dropping out for worldly experiences or just getting into drugs, drinking, etc etc. Farms provide an environment where nature and peace and quiet teach lessons in their own ways-- people focus on needs more than wants and have the chance to find good values and I believe some hard work and sweat is good. Community and neighbors are more important at a farm while in an apartment complex it can just be a nuisance and not appreciated as much.
you could get killed easier living in the city
bc ****
The environment is natural and the people living their do not under go much stress like people living in the city
they are healthier due to fresh air and healthier living and excercise.
because there a lot of vegetable and fruit in the farm
I made this choice because in a farm everything is serene and beautiful and no vehicles to hurt you.
Living on a farm teaches you the value of things, not what they cost. You learn to appreciate the things you have when you don't have much. Watching a lamb suck on her mother for the first time makes everything worth while. Living on a farm helps you enjoy the little things in life.
No stressful traffic to deal with in the country, people you meet are friendlier. You bond more with your family & neighbors. There's generally more time for visiting due to the lack of rush here/rush there attitude. The sunsets are more vivid & colorful due to the lack of smog & buildings, which you can't hardly see in the city! It's more peaceful & yes one tends to eat healthier food. Living in the country I stayed trim, but after moving to the city I started gaining weight! -RMG
Because the farm is a healthy environment, however the city is full of pollution.
It gives older people something to do & look forward too in life. If that's all a person does they're whole life they will want to continue doing it. They would rather keep doing what they've known than sit & do nothing all day & I believe when people do what they love they will live longer.
Healthier living
Because you'll be more healthy and will rarely get sick
It's a nice place to live in without other people bothering you.
The "stresses" in farm life are closer to the "natural stresses" that human beings are better adapted to deal with. Problems that we are better able to resolve cause less health issues than stresses we have little or no control over which is more common in a city environment. Farm life is lived for the "long run", not one "sprint" after another with no time to recover in-between. Retirement is a different concept on a farm, the chores don't stop, the daily activity continues, the mind and body have been trained to continue, not stop and slow into an early death.
The farm is more relaxed and the city has more cemicals in the air
because i was raise on farm
Because farm live is so different. You have to grow vegies and a lote of things.
Because You eat heathy foods.
Well Farms are better because you get to live with animals and take care of them and stuff and being in the city is really frustrating!! I've been there and I've done that lol so I say living on a farm is better and I have experience. (:
less vices
because it is natural and has no polution
Cause im not ****
Inside joke hahahah
Like Joe
Cause citys are ****
citys have people with guns
because every thing nutural and fresh
On the farm you are always happy. You always have what you need-a good crop, your animals that you rely on for basic needs, and your family. You also dont have to worry about other people that you dont want in your life. Plus, in the country you or on the farm you can do anything. And it a one way in one way out you do like it keep the **** out life!
Because living on a farm gives you more fresh air to breath that our body really need
I picked this because when you live in the city you most of the time eat a lot of junk food which takes over your body. but in the country on a farm you most of the time eat your own food that you grew in the garden or hunted from the woods therefor you are a more healthier and successful person.
Clean air, less stress, more room and activity
fresh air to breath compare to city air
less pollution
In a city there is lots of pollution and life is always moving on a farm you eat fresh food, work hard, and live in the country
no pollution or stress
because **** you thats why
Natural is BEST!!!!!!!!!
because u have healthy life style and food resource
Less bully by city.
This article has covered most reasons as to why farming is more beneficial than city living. I want to move when I am older to a farm because I like the privacy and isolation. I want to eliminate my "wants" and only have my "needs". I think living in the country will allow me to be myself a lot more. Although, I can only imagine what one must master to actually live there. The work with livestock, and agriculture is an awful lot to learn but I am young and willing to learn.
coz we are maad
more healthy
You arent so stressed to keep up with anyone.You dont hav e so much to worry about, you know what needs to be done each day You breath fresher air and eat healthier.
because the farm has freash air where as the city has polluted air so you can get sick more quickly in the city and die quicker than the farm.
beautiful scenery and relatively leisure time
I've dreamed of living on a farm since I was about eight.... I hate the city!!
Because living in the country makes you a better person and you can pee outside.
I think that it builds character. It gives kids a chance to play outside, people a chance to do more outside activities, and build stronger relationships with family and nature.
the city cn never e good for you, it is a mixture of concrete giants, buisness suits, artificial grass and the stench of cigarettes and factory fumes
since you aren't as stressed you are happier. studies show that hapier people usually live a happier life. besides would you rather live a happy/ healthy but short life or a sad/depressed long life. everyone knows which they aer going to choose.
a farm life has less stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
im contented here
because there is healthy foods, availability of fresh air and good environment whch is vry peaceful...there is no high crime rate like prostitution nand theft
Food, all about putting good food in your body, not processed chemically altered food.
healthier lifestyle in this age, when comparing it to the stress a large city has on a person. Both mentally and physically. Cities also come along with more exposure to things we were not meant to be constantly exposed to, ie; radiation is higher in cities, chemicals and pollutants make its way into our food air and water. We are literally making ourselves sick, but like all things we have to study it first to understand the why.
Because they don't have to worry bout other people except them and their family. Also they have less stress on them the the people do in the city.
i thought that it would be more peaceful...
because i live on a farm
Living with nature, makes life naturally long
I grew up on a farm and my family has always been healthy...my great grandmother lived to be 96! That kinda says something for hard work.
Life moves at a slower pace and not ear as much stress. Farm life is a happy life, not to say city life's not either. Farm people just have a way of life that make you feel honest and pure. Therefore I believe makes you a happier healthier person.
Living on a Farm brings you closer to nature and to other simple but most important things in life.
Rona c:
well'' i live on farm''that is the fact :D
Less stress. No air pollution. Less chance of buglaries
i believe that living with many people is kind of living with the most dangerous enemies in the world ....... so live alone in the peaceful place such as farm is the best choice for ur life to live longer ...... :)
Because you are healthy and always exercising
Healthy living. !
because of the fresh air.. and healthy living
I've selected this option because in farm I can eat fresh foods like fruits and vegetables which make me strong,healthy and makes my life longer...................... that's all................... :)
I may have fewer comfort/luxuries in the farm, I may have more physical works to do, I may be surrounded by very simple things but I will not trade this for a hectic life, always wanting for some restful, relaxing evenings, frequently running out of time to finish some jobs that has to be done. Also I cannot imagine leaving my elderly parents to the care of other people however capable they are. My father passed away a month ago and I feel blessed and thankful to have served him in his last days. I have witnessed his last breath and was comforted by the thought that he knew we took care of him and he was with us in his final hours. Lastly, I think in the farm, children are less exposed to the undesirable factors that might influence his values compared in the city environment.
because living in farm is ok because of cleaner air
Because I was lived on a farm before. It had lots of fresh air everyday and less stress than living in the city. The farm have lots of natures, animals, and beautiful tall grasses. The city have less time for fun or whatever. So the farm have way for save money for things to buy. I really love to live on a farm area. It is so beautiful land.
No pollution! :)
cuz of the environment ...as we kno farm are sorounded by nature , trees .. and air is clean not like cities ... farms r places tht make u feel relax ... :)
because it is orsum
because the air is fresh, there is no pollution. Foods are grown and can be eaten from the earth. No city noise of police cars, fire engines, airplanes etc.
I was born in the state of Albama, farm living is the best. Fresh air, not pollution. Fresh grown vegtables and fruits. Not hasving to worry about hussle and bustle of life.
Mother's side were farmers and all lived close to or beyond 100 years, but the ones who moved to the city lived to about 75. Father's side were city folk and not many lived past 75. Wife's side great grandparents were rural folk who all lived around 100 years, but their children who had moved to the city all lived about 75-80 years. That's a 20-25 year difference even in the same genetic lineage!
From my own experince..:)
i love to live in a farm because i fill better
fresh air, no pollution, vegatables grown from the earth. Born and raised on a farm.
it is less polluted
fresher air,less stress
bc the fresh air excercise you can do more
It just seams that being a farmer in the country would lead to a longer life than working in the big city.
Less stress, less polution
to know