Reuters vs. Bloomberg

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Difference between Reuter’s and Bloomberg

When we talk about names such as Reuters or Bloomberg, we automatically know that these two are news services that also give financial market updates. These providers give reports from all over the world. However, because they are in the same field, a comparison between the two leading names was bound to rise. Expanding over the industry and coming in competition to see who can give the best, these two companies keep scoring on individual growing way beyond its base as a bond info purveyor basis that are bound to stand in front of each other in comparison.


Their Focus

Reuters gives the public a lot more than the financial inquiry and this includes automobiles, pod casting, blogging, politics, employment, technology and entertainment. Reuters wanted to expand their horizons and gain more customers other that those who were just interested in financial matters. They believed that they could gain a larger audience by including something that would appeal to almost every other individual. Bloomberg has the latest breaking monetary, industry and monetary news global from chief providers of the information services.


Advertisements are the reasons most sites and even television shows survive and the stronger the advertisements are on your station, the better it is for the company and the more chances it has of surviving in competition. Bloomberg television made a smart move and made their advertisement far more attractive than the other company’s make that were already available in the market. A few names of these advertisers include Online Checking, Offshore, Bank Notes and Forex. Whereas, Forex has the advertisers that collaborate with the Google Double-Click scheme. Where Bloomberg daily broadcasts on radio as well, Reuters has not reached that mark yet.

What You Can Get

It is undeniable that Bloomberg defeats everyone in the field, rising further than the standing of as an attachment information seller. When Reuters merged with Thompson, gossip spread that it was the next big competition for Bloomberg and they were right. Today, 24% of the market lies with Reuters and 33% with Bloomberg. However, the fact remains that on individual basis, Bloomberg is always ahead of the competition.


Starting from the scratch as newspapers, Bloomberg and Reuters have been in competition the second these companies emerged. Both these companies ate diverse in their own sense but still, the competition does come in view. Reuters was built for all types of purposes and services and has been in the industry since the past 150 but still, Bloomberg stays on top of the list when it comes to the competition in this field due to the following reasons:

  • It has many advertisers to support itself. Even though they experienced loss in 2008 and had to cut down on their employees on the channel and radio station, they still managed to maintain themselves in the market.
  • They stand on an individual level and fight with Thomson Reuters in competition as it is a merged company and therefore has had more advantages.

Thomson Reuters Commercial


Bloomberg News Commercial


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