Ning vs. Socialgo: Need Your Own Social Network?

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Difference between Ning and Socialgo

Social network are an important part of everyday life for many people. It allows us to build online communities and stay in touch with each other. People can share information such as pictures, movie clips, links and many more through easy to use tools.

Various platforms have appeared in the online environment to support users in maintaining a social network of friends and family members while enhancing their experience through a large number of features. Some of them provide the services for free covering expenses from ads. Others offer subscription plans to allow users access their features. A few combine the two variants.


Ning is an online platform founded in October 2005 by Marc Andreessen and Gina Bianchini which enables users to create their own social network.

Socialgo is an online platform founded in June 2007 by Alex Halliday, Steve Hardman and Dominic Wheatley which allows users to create a social network.


Ning users have 50 unique themes they can use to customize their social network. With some CSS knowledge, users can build their own themes. Content can be organized using the Tab manager feature. A Ning social network owner has moderation rights to enable or disable content for public viewing. Pictures, comments and other elements can be posted according to those rights. The activity on Ning can be shared with other popular social networks. RSS feeds can be embedded so that the Ning network benefits from a continuous flow of information.

Ning users can chat in real time with other Ning users. The group feature is also available to create communities for a specific topic. Ning APIs further enhance the set of features mentioned above, developers launching regularly new ones.

Socialgo offers chat and video chat in real time to its users. Custom content pages are fully supported by the Socialgo platform to allow more freedom to its users. Moderation of comments and posts on a social network created on Socialgo is divided by levels controlling the access rights of its members. Users on Socialgo can add up to 100.000 characters of custom code. Through the Profile designer, members can customize the look of their social network.


Circa August 2010, Ning offers 3 paid subscription plans: Mini, Pro and Plus with annual prices ranging from $19.95 to $499.95.

Socialgo offers 2 paid subscription plans: Premium for $24.99 and Concierge for $149.99 and a free subscription plan.

A 30 days trial period is available on both platforms.

Similarities and Differences

  • Ning and Socialgo are online platform enabling users to create their own social network.
  • Ning offers network customization, moderation, cross-platform sharing, RSS feeds, chat and APIs. Socialgo offers chat and video chat, APIs, support for custom content pages, moderation and network customization.
  • Ning offers 3 paid subscription plans, while Social has 2 paid subscription plans and 1 free subscription plan.


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