CNN vs. Fox News

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Difference between CNN and Fox News

It is hardly surprising that CNN and Fox News would often be compared with one another, what with both news agencies being the biggest players in the industry and notorious in connection with the White House. The competition between the two has become quite fierce at numerous times in the past to say the least and the question of which one is the better source of news comes up with some regularity.

While there are a number of distinct differences between the two, along with their own unique advantages and disadvantages, it may be helpful to realize that CNN and Fox News are both mainstream news sources. This means that they are actually a lot more alike than you would think and they do share a number of similarities. With that being said, let's take a look at their more salient aspects.

Fox News

Content and Focus

CNN generally puts out a greater number of stories than Fox News does and it is slightly more focused on news events related to the international scene. CNN correspondents appear to be less bent on promoting a political agenda than their Fox News counterparts. Fox News for its part tends to offer longer news items with a lot more reinforcement for their storylines.

Website Features

As for their websites, CNN again wins out in this category with a much more well-designed and more aesthetically pleasing homepage. It also offers a number of useful features that make navigation a lot easier and more elegant. CNN has an advantage over Fox News in that it offers a lot more categories of news. Its pages also load more quickly than Fox News’ and it definitely has a much better search function. For instance, you can perform searches that will call up only certain capitalized words.

Fox News’ search function leaves a lot to be desired, since it often fails to display the new articles of the day. Fox News featured articles appear to be more sensuous and pop culture with its flashy images and less focused on serious subjects.

CNN also always displays a full page of results, while Fox News displays only three or four news items until you refresh the page, revealing a full news page. To its credit, Fox does include links to recent articles related to the news item.

Political Leanings

CNN is obviously the more liberal of the two. While the more extreme elements of either side would be quick to point to the relative political moderation of both news services, they do clearly exhibit their leanings.



  • Tends to publish more stories
  • More focused on international issues
  • Website offers more news categories than Fox’s site
  • Website loads a lot faster than Fox’s
  • Has a better search function
  • More liberal bent

Fox News

  • Usually offers longer stories
  • Website is designed with more attractive images
  • Typically offers three main stories
  • Site displays only the most recent news, with a refresh necessary for the full page
  • Search function could be improved
  • Offers links for similar stories with every article
  • More conservative stance

comments 103 Comments

  • laura s. . 3+ yrs. ago

i don't love cnn but foxs news is just creepy and preachy

  • Rachel M . 3+ yrs. ago

Is there any happy news in CNN? They highlight only the wrong news in CNN.

I can't trust Fox news. They are the least trusted news site in the world. I like huffingtonpost, this is the best news blog.

  • Taylor P . 3+ yrs. ago

To answer your question, sometimes. but the only reason is because most "happy news" is used as fluff. "Happy news' does nto typically affect the audience in any sort of way, but bad news is always affecting someone somewhere. But I must ask, why Huffington? It's a blog, after all.

  • Bill T. . 3+ yrs. ago

But CNN has been criticized for having people act like Ron Burgundy in the past such as Rick Sanchez.

  • Shannon . 3+ yrs. ago

FOX is the MOST trusted news station of all.

Put the koolaid down.

  • Fern . 3+ yrs. ago

It may be, but it is the most biased channel on television. It does not do anything for anybody but the right wing, conservatives and the Republicans. And they bash anything that has to do with the Democrats/liberals. There are no pros and cons on that channel debating anything on most of their shows. Those are my reasons why I don't like to watch FOX very much.

  • Bill . 3+ yrs. ago

obviously you haven't obtained the Fox Cable News Channel. Juan Williams a democrat who used to be on CNN is a Fox News Contributor. And he debates on the Five all the time! Smith has his own show on Fox News and he is quite Liberal. You just need to watch the show and you'd see that both Liberal and Conservative views flow!! That's why it's better than CNN... because all their doing now is trashing Trump... they've become the National enquirers of the broadcast world... Even Lou Dobbs left CNN for Fox News!!

  • wiulbur . 3+ yrs. ago

Exactly. CNN is the pariah of newspapers right now.

  • Wayne Halford . 3+ yrs. ago

I didn't know they had a newspaper.

  • Concerned . 3+ yrs. ago

See note below. Thank you Wayne Halford for correcting another displaced, and ignorant, Trump fan: wiulbur.

  • Julie . 3+ yrs. ago

If you are open to all sides may I suggest you watch some international news on you tube. Its not just CNN & FOX reporting on Trump...the general consensus of the world is that he is a poor leader,,, just saying.

You know, it was Trump's team that coined the phrase "fake news" prior to him being elected. Trunp supporters are eating it up

  • JG . 3+ yrs. ago

Of course the consensus is he is a poor leader. Most counties have been taking advantage of the USA. Just look at the real statistics. Trump pulled us out until other countries cough up and live up to their agreements. I bet they don't like him.

  • JG . 3+ yrs. ago

Of course the consensus is he is a poor leader. Most counties have been taking advantage of the USA. Just look at the real statistics. Trump pulled us out until other countries cough up and live up to their agreements. I bet they don't like him.

  • Concerned . 3+ yrs. ago

CNN trashes Trump? Of course, that’s what HE wants you to believe. Haven’t you learned yet after 3.5 years of his egomaniacal rantings against anyone who says something that he does not like? What about Trump’s 18,000+ lies and disinformation since taking office? Trump is the most dangerous president our country has ever had—ask his sister! You better wake up and smell the coffee, Bill. And that goes for the rest of you “The Apprentice” fans. I must admit that Trump is a good reality star/entertainer. Ultimately, that’s why his fans like him + Trump’s rantings support their world view. It’s despicable!

  • Julie . 3+ yrs. ago

If you are open to all sides may I suggest you watch some international news on you tube. Its not just CNN & FOX reporting on Trump...the general consensus of the world is that he is a poor leader,,, just saying.

You know, it was Trump's team that coined the phrase "fake news" prior to him being elected. Trunp supporters are eating it up

  • John Simmons . 3+ yrs. ago

There is no channel more biased than CNN and MSNBC !! They are sickening. The only thing CNN is good for is putting it on the air first. They may be as wrong as 2 left shoes but they are first. At my job we kept the TV on CNN so we could see what is happening where so we could reroute traffic (worked at AT&T). Other than that they are worthless.

  • vj williams . 3+ yrs. ago

I agree with you about the traffic and weather reports being only reason I listen to CBS/CNN/and MSNBC lost a lot of credibility when they kept what's his name on Brian Williams I believe who said he served in VietNam and recounted incidents and later we find out he lied.

Rachel Maddox was funny when she thought she had the President's unpublished taxes and it turned out the papers she 'broke' as a story was published in the NYTimes years before.

  • Wayne Halford . 3+ yrs. ago

Maybe you haven't watched Fox News if you think CNN is biased. I'm sure the bias is simply a matter of what you believe to be true which isn't always what is true.

  • Steve Kemper . 3+ yrs. ago

They have pros and cons all the time and yes they are conservative leaning . That's because they need a conservative voice on the air to answer to all the mainstream news channels that push propaganda 24/7. You know like CBS ABC CNN NBC NPR and the list goes on.

  • Wayne Halford . 3+ yrs. ago

Unfortunately, it's folks like yourself that are part of this #clustertrump. The Republican Party is no longer. They just follow him with no compulsion or caring for people that are going through the worst time in our lifetime.

  • Mary Knott . 3+ yrs. ago

What I like about Fox is that they have some liberal commentators and give their honest answers so you can compare. Ex: Juan Williams.

  • Victoria LaVell . 3+ yrs. ago

OMG... YOU ARE SO WRONG ! Fox News has the worst record for getting the facts wrong. Perhaps next time you will do your homework before you post. There is nothing wrong with supporting Fox News, just make sure you are supporting them with something "factual" to back it up. ... and just FYI... "alternative facts," don't count. lol

  • Mark . 3+ yrs. ago

People who listen to Fox News don't seem interested in truth of the Facts, especially when comes to political news. I have tried to listen to Fox New, but it is so slanted politically that I have to turn it off. CNN always offers both sides of political issues with people on form both sides of the political spectrum giving their opinions!

  • Lupe gonzales . 3+ yrs. ago

No way!! They at least give both sides. CNN’s anchors are drama queens and whine about Trump all day and all night. Can’t stand this channel.

  • Gary . 3+ yrs. ago

That’s because Trump makes an **** of himself all day and all night. He is his own worst enemy! Lying like a rug! I do think CNN embellishes the news, but Fox, just out and out lies!

  • Wayne Halford . 3+ yrs. ago

Like the rest of this #clustertrump, his supporters only believe the lies from Fox News. Trump will go down in history as the worst president ever.

  • Steve Salamon . 3+ yrs. ago

Have you every heard of 'conformational bias'? It simply says that we tend to prefer messaging that confirms our preexisting thinking. It's a very human trait. But it has a very dark underbelly: When in it's grip, we tend, over time, to get stuck in our sources (so-called political 'echo chambers'), and also over time undergo an erosion of trust in people we know, first thinking that they're 'misguided', then just plain wrong, then having a serious 'gap', and then, through a few more steps we come to view people we may have once truly cared about as 'evil'. This phenomenon is what is behind the truly frightening degree of separation that we have between political factions in our country at this time. This is bad for us as individuals and very bad for us as a country. My best advice is to watch neither FOX News nor MSNBC (although one of them is by far the more likely to lie, they do at least represent the most politically motivated source for each side.) Or, if you just cant help yourself, watch both so you get some thinking from both sides. There are a number of truly (or very nearly) neutral news sources. I read 'the Week' -- a pretty neutral weekly news magazine which, on stories which have political weight, they publish both sides of the argument. try opening your mind up to at least the possibility that the folks on the 'other' side may have something of value to say.

  • Kevin . 3+ yrs. ago

This is perfectly said! So True. I love it. May I copy this?

  • Frank . 3+ yrs. ago

Agree, and the ratings show that. I watch them more than other new sources because they have pro and con speakers representing opposing views. Once in a while I am actually moved to change my opinion, and that has prompted me to view more.


  • Patty Sears . 3+ yrs. ago

Would love to see the fact check site you got this from...please

  • gerry komuves . 3+ yrs. ago

A totally inaccurate, unsupportable statement; just like most FOX content.

  • James Campbell . 3+ yrs. ago

there is NO COMPARISON ---ie. CNN & MSNBC are made up of panels of 5 to 8 Trump haters all seeing who can out do the others by calling Trump the most offensive names they can think of -- Fox does things differently -ie. at least FOX NEWS allows people on the air who have opposing views (like the view that everything should be free & that the world will end if we don't elect a democrat:) I watch 'em all Fox kicks at least attempts to be far - while also kicking CNN & MSNBC's all day & all night HATE news. Russia Russia Russia guess what folks -- no collusion

  • Corinne . 3+ yrs. ago

Now we know why you like Fox

  • Gary . 3+ yrs. ago

Yes, lots of collusion! Lots of lies too !

  • Phillip . 3+ yrs. ago

Do you even looked ok at the facts for is about hate

  • Wayne Halford . 3+ yrs. ago

You're either a troll or very uninformed.

  • Pierre . September 2020

Oh my... just go look at Jordan Klemperer vs trump supporters....nought said!

  • Concerned . 3+ yrs. ago

You’re really messed up!

  • Erin L . 3+ yrs. ago

Huh? CNN gets caught lying all the time. Fox might be more geared towards the right but at least they don't straight up lie.

  • Mark . 3+ yrs. ago

Yes they do lie all the time and are so slanted I cannot stand to watch it!

  • Lisa . 3+ yrs. ago

What show are you watching? I tried, but then I actually researched what they said, and Fox is propaganda! At least CNN has both Republicans and Democrats debating the opinions. I don't claim either republican or democrat as my party. Both seem to be corrupt to me. I am an American first. Lying is lying when it comes from either!

  • boogyman . 3+ yrs. ago

Cnn and msnbc ect are by far the worst when it comes to propaganda and lies. Whoever says fox doesnt include both sides is flat out lying, they all do that. They invite the other side and try to make them look bad. This is how they all work.

That said, cnn msnbc ect give the most blatant bs arguments and stories that its a wonder how they fool people. If you fall for leftist propaganda you are essentially religious. They sell oppression and prohibit questioning, even in matters of science, which strictly contradicts the whole point of science, the limitation of bias.

Fox has its issues but it is far better than the rest of MSM.

Those of you who talk about fact checking, clearly dont realize you are doing so on leftist establishment sites. But again, its hard to explain this to someone who cannot see through snopes, ect. They are just as biased as the rest but they act as if they are not. Thats a problem.

Snopes, for instance, has been caught labeling mostly false when a rep says the exact statement a "mostly true" dem did.they also have this way of twisting an argument away from saying its true, often with some irrelevant aspect. To clarify, if i made damning statement A about a conspiracy that could be supported by evidence, they would chose tbe person giving bs argument B to "debunk" and discredit the whole conspiracy. Considering this govt has been caught using disinfo agents, this could go hand in hand any time.

Ultimately, i dont trust any of them but fox is certainly the better of these prkpaganda outlets. They have never been caught falsifying and staging news in the ways that cnn has. People who say otherwise are simply not being objective but the footage doesnt lie.

Anyways, there is no defending the notion of socialism + open borders that the left is pushing towards. That is a recipe for disaster and only a fool doesnt realize that. Just a few years ago those people preached border strengthening. My my how they flip.

Dont get caught up in this dialectic, the establishment works from both sides. This 2 party system is largly a dialectic facade to divide while obamas hug and kuss bushes like family.

Rachel maddow was at a choked up loss for words over the children but claps for bombs in syria? Mccain forbid trump from his funeral but had henry kissinger of all evil, to memorialize him?

Mccain, the man who cheated on his wife after she waited 5.5 years for him as a pow and had been disfigured in a car wreck. The man who called his second wife a c**t in front of every media outlet. The man who physically assaulted numerous other politicians, lied about his time as a songbird in vietnam, lied about building a wall to be reelected in Az, then went back to his ways of writing and signing every amnesty bill that came his way. Opposed a mlk day until he ran for pres, oh and lets not forget, killed abt 135 people on carrier when a bomb supposedly dropped from his plane, injuring another 160. That man destroyed more planes than the vc id bet, and im not just referring to the carrier fire.

See thrkugh the facade people.

  • joseph spencer . 3+ yrs. ago

You are so full of it your eyes must be brown

  • Gary . 3+ yrs. ago

Well said Lisa! There is only one truth, and I am appalled that the news is embellished to the point that it is no longer the truth!

I can not stand being lied to ! I do think that nobody can lie like Donald Trump!

  • YC . 3+ yrs. ago

And the lawsuits against CNN also proves that point.

  • Gary . 3+ yrs. ago

If Fox doesn’t lie, Trump sure makes up for it!

  • Timothy Johnson . 3+ yrs. ago

If you would watch them 2-3 hours in a row there will be some posit e happy news on CNN, I like them because they don’t call Hillary right in her wrongs, but Fox News will make an angel outta trump every time! I hate trump for all his lies, lack of empathy and just the ridiculous things he says, mostly the arrogance and the bold faced lies! He’s a true bigot, bully, and no more than a spoiled **** rich punk in a suit!!

  • Mark . 3+ yrs. ago

I agree with you Timothy--CNN is a much superior news network!

  • Gary . 3+ yrs. ago

Ditto on that Timothy! A pathological, narcissistic, egomaniacal lier!

  • jim . 3+ yrs. ago

you are a ****?

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