Warcraft is also good game. But, Final fantasy is god of RPG game, then warcraft can't be compared with this game. However, it's a good to fight each other
because RPG's have all gone PC (WOW) what happend to the good old days of Fire Emblem, or Draken guard and final fantasy (not 13, that was awfull). its all wonder aimlessy through a massive world looking for rubbish upgrades. i miss sumons, great big spell attackts where the screen cuts to a epic scene. fire, fira, flare etc. its all gone a bit pants for my likeing. i am fed up with buying games that are RPG's but are nothing like i wanted. i have about 30 RPG games that are like WOW (latest edition was dark souls)and they just dont interest me. i miss a story, bring back the good old RPG's and keep PC RPG's on the PC. no more crappy RPG's Please! its destroying my love for computer games!!!! Rant over :)