I feel like books have a complete breakdown of personality. The author mentors the reader by giving insight of his perception to life and how the mind perceives it. Many developers often create a similarity to this and takes the most appealing into developing themselves as a human being.
Literature is capable of transforming civilizations—for better or worse. Western civilization (Europe, the Americas) owes its existence to one book—the Holy Bible. The impact of music is entirely different but nonetheless important. Music can be therapeutic; it’s a language that speaks the human soul. Music isn’t meant to be mere entertainment as it a significant component of religious worship, and what is worship but communion with God?
Books can give one expressions that he wont get from any other thing,which plays the most important role in character building
I love both listening to music and reading. My two favorite things actually, yet I think that the characters in the books that you read sway you to be like them, which is good because most protagonists are great people.
Both music and book can be used as a mean to express themselves. However, books allow you understand things. It allow us to learn more on how to deal with others and one's situation. With the stories that we encounter every time we read, we get to see the how other characters think. We learn to understand others and respect their beliefs, opinions and how they think.
That's what I think anyways.
Books give you more of a sense of the world around you.
I have always thought that the time and concentration needed to read a book has been the best way for someone to test their temperament.
I am always finding myself absorbed by a new series, and I like to make myself like the characters I meet. I respect them. It's as if they are real. All the stories are true at some point in history.
because Ouss is an ****
Logically, when reading the book, the reader picks up the information more than just listening to the music
In creating Character, books are a much better influence.
because i feel that books have an important role in our life
The doctor told me to stay in bed
Books are amazing and I ❤️ them dearly
books have more knowledge and you can gain info and inrich your vocabulary, i personally love reading books :)
A book has more of a revolutionary impact on a persons character and is also more explicit in its expression. A book shares his views and shows you how a person evolves and behaves and what it leads to etc the Characters are a direct identification with yourself.
Music gives influence on your feelings and can often be interpreted very differently. The music is more an expression of the person that you already are.
I think because books gives you more knowledge about the outside world. It also open your eyes to see the world in a different way.
takes u into another world almost
Well, books are like viewing into another's life and learning from one's mistakes and accomplishments. I feel that this helps guide or helps to create one character.
build ones personality:)
I think readıng understand ıs more important than seeing understand
Reading books is better than listening to music because reading helps you with your reading skills.
i believe that music can bring out negative thoughts and impure thoughts. books can too, but you aren't always surrounded by reading books. kids listen to music that sometimes match their moods. its not very healthy dwelling on the negative. there's no joy in that and it's just self centered.
They build personality while music helps capture your emotions
in books we can learn more stories.......
Because in writing you can build the character in so many ways--through back stories, side plots, future happenings, through other characters, etc.
music is vulgar and negative
Anything music can do books can do better.
because it can teach you deep and important values slowly throughout the book and in most books there is a protaganist that you can identify with and possibly aspire to become
It's quite amazing to find yourself enraptured into a world that only lived in the author's imagination. It's like you they hold the key to world beyond yourself and reality.
Because books tell a story
Books tend to stimulate growth and vocabulary as well as building personality. Music can be soothing for emotions or feelings, but books can withhold information to the people.
I love both music and books, however, I would have to pick books as an answer in this case. Considering all the unintelligent remarks from most of the music commentators, I would say that music is more of a popular thing in today's society. Being a kid myself, I would have to say that yes, music is awesome and generates emotion and really makes me think, but what the airheads are answering on here is about pointless music that is "catchy" and "explicit". Nothing about those kinds of songs can be beneficial. A few catchy Facebook statuses, but nothing important. However, I listen to music (Heavy metal, rock, etc.) that actually has a message and a point. That would be the kind of music that I say is influential. It promotes a good message and still sounds good. However, not many people are open minded enough to listen to those genres of music. Which brings me back to my point about books. Sure, there are boring books, exciting books, great reads, and just plain ole "okay" books. I read books to escape reality. I also read certain genres, such as mystery, to see how intuitive I am to catching the bad guys. When I'm forced to read, it's mostly about a message that you have to realize will help in the end, or a biography. Either way, you're opening your mind to a vast majority of endless conclusions, and it keeps you wanting more until you finish reading the last page. It's really exciting to read, but not many people, especially teenagers my age, enjoy reading. That's because they're too busy listening to explicit music, working, dying their hair, texting, looking on Facebook, etc. What they don't know is that they're technically reading when they're "texting and looking on Facebook," so in all reality they "don't hate reading," or else their social life would be pretty boring. People just don't want to apply themselves to books and get hooked into reading. They think it's "nerdy" because popular opinion has influenced that idea onto them. So, books all the way.
I chose this answer because although I am a pretty fast reader, words I have read usually leave a more lasting imprint in my mind than listening to the words in a song. This is probably due to the fact that I am actually listening to the beat of the music more than the words in the song.
Today more and more music are giving bad messages and using wrong language. Some children will sing along with that kind of music. The books that children are into today are stories that give hope, a good message, and inspiration. For example, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins really inspires kids and in my opinion one of the best books I have ever read. If that one book has been read and liked by millions then there has to be other books that they like that are some what similar. Those books don't influence kids to do the wrong things. Music can generate that much excitement but the message is not always good and children may follow it.
We learn from books, creating a better character than we may already possess. Music just creates an outlet for whatever emotions disturb us which somewhat just encourages them to continue, not building better character.
knowledge is power!
I personally like music more, but books create a better character.
In my opinion, books give more information and are more likely to teach people in more ways then anything. Reading can give you ideas about the world and sometimes give you a better understanding of people and why they do what they do. Books can also influence kids to do more and, in my own opinion, build better character in them.
When you finish reading a book you feel as though you have achevied something great.You use your imagination to create the characters and the setting in your mind. Reading stimulates thinking.
because books are for education and for enjotment wearas music is merely for enjoyment.
Even though I can't live without music, books to me have more positive influence to everyone of all ages than music itself. The choices of music nowadays have more vulgar words and substance use than anything. Therefore, reading books is a better hobby in creating one's character.
Because books help block out the outer world.
Don't read too much into my choice
Book is another world.
As for me i read book,while reading books i can learn more thing instead of listening music.
Book, we can learn a lot of new thing in it as well as we can take pleasure in it, by visulizing the characters and enjoying the story it even develope our reading habit and give us knowledge of new thing and also help a lot in personal life.
Because unlike music, it shapes us into being better people with more understanding of life. Books are like wings that will take us everywhere. Opening a book is like opening a door. Reading the book is like venturing in a new world. Plus I simply love books.
it develops our mental status,improves our communication skills,improves concentration and attention,build self-esteem,improves memory,improves decipline,improves creativity,you always have something to talk about,reduces boardom.
i dont know i luv both
because i said so
i think a it is a little more a discipline way of building our personality.
Books can open your mind into different worlds and gives you a sense of adventure away from your normal life.
Its impact lasts long. Music is more of transient because emotions vacillate.
Well, -as you can see- the more intelegent answers come from the Books side. Myself, In my youth I loved music with a passion; I find myself reading and understanding the more I read as an adult.
i am always in a qood mood?when i read books!!!!
I guess it would depend on your selection of music and/or books. Personally, books open your mind to exploring the creativity of the things you could imagine. Music can be soothing, however, the wrong selection of music can encourage you to do things that are not exceptible in society today.
Book is better instructor mainly because it's easy to understand at least literally. Music is abstract, you really can tell what exactly a piece of music want to express. Besides, most profound knowledge can only be found in books. Haven't you noticed thar the majority of music talk about silly love? Lyrics are too shallow and only aimed to be repeated easily.
can music teach u? no.... can music fulfill ur knowlegde? no....
oh and im back again haha...so who ever made this shiet, its wastin my fuckkin time up good haha
^^^^^^^ all u ppl are fuckkin retardded,..music is the shiet
Books offer a much more detailed world for anybody to explore.
I chose this option because music can not always be reliable at times and music is written based on the composers point of view not the person being effected by it so basically creating a character based on someone else's reasoning is not reasonable
music, i feel helps one express and hear what they cannot. books on the other hand, lets one imagine and travel parts and build ideas and dreams they've never dreamt possible. therefore giving one the power to build.
The influence of books, allows one to expand their mind and imagination.
Although I think it's a close call between the two, I believe reading is better for creating character. By reading literary classics and such, you gain knowledge that you can't find in music. It adds to your vocabulary and english/writing skills and promotes further understanding.
because you get to see what other people think about life