David Copperfield vs. Criss Angel: Magic Shows

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Difference between David Copperfield and Criss Angel

Everybody loves magic, and the fact that some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry are magicians is a clear sign of that. Generations past will no doubt have grown up with David Copperfield, although a few other names have shown brightly in recent years as well, with Criss Angel being only one of the more famous ones. Does the new wizard have what it takes to unseat the previous one? Let's take a look!

David Copperfield
Criss Angel


David Copperfield was born on September 16, 1956. He is an illusionist who has been called the most successful magician in history. His trademark style features a combination of illusion and storytelling, and he has earned more than $1 billion in the course of his career in magic.

Criss Angel was born on December 19, 1967. Aside from being an illusionist, he has also acted. His most prominent appearance is on the successful television show, Criss Angel Mindfreak, and he has also performed in numerous high profile events such as the Criss Angel Believe in Las Vegas, in which he performed with Cirque du Soleil.

Early Years

David Copperfield started out performing magic tricks at the age of 10, and by 14, he had managed to become the youngest-ever member to the Society of American Magicians. His teenage years found him with an interest in Broadway, and he began teaching magic classes at New York University by the time he was 16.

Criss Angel was introduced to magic at the age of 7 by an aunt, and this interest remained throughout high school. Instead of going on to college, Angel set out to become a professional magician.


David Copperfield’s earnings in 2003 alone were in excess of US$55 million, which made him the tenth highest paid celebrity in the world. He followed this up the next year by earning over $57 million, and earned another $30 million in 2009. Today, Copperfield continues to perform more than 500 shows a year all over the world.

Criss Angel’s first notable achievement was his show Criss Angel Mindfreak in which he was both the star and the creator. Although a hugely successful TV series, the show has been subject to criticism with regard to its use of camera tricks and editing as well as planted “audience members” in tricks that could not be performed credibly in front of a real audience.

Criss Angel also generated a great deal of publicity with his collaboration with Cirque du Soleil, in Criss Angel Believe. The show has since received criticism for lackluster performances and a confusing theme.

Similarities and Differences

David Copperfield

  • Has been called the most successful magician in history
  • Has earned more than $1 billion in the course of his career in magic
  • Continues to perform more than 500 shows a year all over the world

Criss Angel

  • Most prominent appearance is on the successful television show, Criss Angel Mindfreak
  • Performed with Cirque du Soleil in Criss Angel Believe
  • Criss Angel Believe has received criticism for lackluster performances and a confusing theme

David Copperfield - Vanishes Lady Liberty

source: youtube.com

Criss Angel - Walking on Water

source: youtube.com
Which magician would you pay to see first?
  • David Copperfield
  • Criss Angel

comments 1 Comments

  • VegasPal . 3+ yrs. ago

Thanks for sharing the profiles of both Criss Angel and David Copperfield.

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