Winner vs. Loser

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Difference between Winner and Loser

It’s a fine line between being a winner and being a loser, and while most people wouldn't use such terms in polite society, there is no denying that each has its own unique characteristics. So what makes a winner and what makes a loser? Let's find out!

Dealing With Problems

One thing that is a sure mark of a winner is the ability to propose solutions to a problem, or at least to stick it out until a solution is found. This is one key characteristic that makes winners seem to consistently display the ability to solve problems. In most cases, the problem is just as hard to surmount, although winners do their best to find ways to solve them.

So-called losers on the other hand spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about the problem and why it can't be solved instead of working to find a solution. And we all know how that turns out.

Adapting To Situations

Another key characteristic that sets winners apart from losers is their ability to adapt to rapidly changing scenarios. Winners have the ability to change as the situation calls for it, as opposed to losers who simply give up and walk away, or again bring up a thousand and one excuses for failure. Winners know that the word isn't constant, and what is an easy fix today may not work at all tomorrow. This is why they are always prepared to implement a backup plan if necessary. As for losers, they often expect things to go exactly as they envisioned it, and a changing scenario presents itself not as an opportunity to figure out an alternative, but rather to give up before a serious effort is made.

Rising Up To Challenges

Winners also have the fortitude, the "stick-to-it-iveness" if you will, to see through the issue, to prepare for a challenge, and to find ways to deal with it in the best way possible. Winners know that anything worth having cannot be had without a good struggle, and they stake steps to prepare themselves for the challenges that may lie ahead.

Winners also have the ability to draw from an inner well of strength and determination when things get rough, as opposed to losers who simply give up without even making a good effort. It is this ability that makes winners rise to the challenge no matter how difficult they may be. After all, as Muad’dib would say, “Fear is the mind killer”.

Similarities and Differences


  • Has the ability to propose solutions to a problem, or to stick it out until a solution is found
  • Has the ability to adapt to rapidly changing scenarios
  • Has the fortitude to see through the issue and to prepare for a challenge


  • Spend a lot of time worrying about the problem and why it can't be solved instead of working to find a solution
  • Often expect things to go exactly as they envisioned it
  • Simply give up without even making a good effort


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