BBC News vs. Sky News

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Difference between BBC News and Sky News

News channels keep the world updated on a 24 hour schedule with events happening all over the world. They cover subjects related to political decisions shaping our daily life, social events, conflicts, sports events and many others. Recent developments in technology have made it possible for them to broadcast footage in real time. The wide spread use of TV and the Internet contributes to ensure information is available to a larger number of people thus giving us the chance to actively participate in the news circuit. In Great Britain two channels are rivaling to cover the news market: BBC News and Sky News.


BBC News is a department within BBC which is responsible with gathering news from its numerous local and foreign offices to broadcast quality news content. It is also available in its online version. BBC News relies on information coming from its regional centers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as 44 offices with a global span. Sky News is a satellite television broadcaster of news on a 24 hour delivery schedule. It focuses on UK and international events. The source of its programs is generated by seven UK based locations and various global locations provided by News Corporation which is the parent company.


The news was incorporated at first in BBC television broadcasts, but after a competitor launched a news specialized division the channel realized the business potential of such a structure. So BBC News separated as a distinct entity in the BBC organization in 1955. Sky News has started broadcast in February 1989 providing radio hourly news to networks in UK and Ireland.

Online Presence

Sky News website has the same format as the television broadcast to ensure a smooth transition. It also features the latest interactive technology such as embedded video content of main news, social networking connection to be able to share information with your family and friends. It’s structured to provide emphasis on breaking news so a large part of the website is dedicated to this. As part of its interactive tools, Sky News online incorporates blogs of various global correspondents and enables forum discussions. BBC News online was launched in 1997 offering news from all over the world structured by continent. Aside from national coverage, sports, weather forecasts and entertainment is also featured. You can listen to online radio news broadcasts and get news alerts on your mobile.


  • BBC News and Sky News are UK based broadcasting companies providing coverage of local and global events.
  • BBC News started to work as an independent company within BBC organization from 1955, by then providing newscasts for channels in the group. Sky News began to broadcast in 1989 hourly radio programs.
  • Both BBC News and Sky News are present in the online environment incorporating advanced communication tools to reach more people.


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