NTFS vs. FAT32: Which one works for you?

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Difference between NTFS and FAT32

When trying to figure out which computer to get as well as what things to get along with it, making the right choices can become daunting. You have to find out which RAM, memory, and hard drives are right for you. Well another thing to worry about is your file format. This is a very important part of the computer because it determines how much security your files will have and how they will be handled. Two different formats are FAT32 format and NTFS format. They each have their own pros and cons so let’s figure out which one you should get! 



Both file formats have a different set of security settings that come along with it. FAT32 is a good file format but it does come with low security settings. This means that if you do a lot of various activities on the computer you may want to steer away from that particular format. NTFS on the other hand has stronger security settings and makes it harder for files to get corrupt or damaged. The security difference will be the deal breaker if you want a secure computer. 


Both formats have a different amount of space on them and allow for a different amount of file sizes to be stored, transferred and held. Another huge difference is the fact that FAT32 does not compress files like NTFS does. Compressed files allow for a wider amount of files to be stored because their compressed to a smaller size. FAT32 only allows for 32 G partition size where NTFS allows for 16 TB or terabytes. The NTFS also allows you to control your disk space usage where that isn’t an option with FAT32. Compressed files make it easier for you to store a larger amount of files as well as an easy and smoother maneuvering of the computer. 


NTFS is very reliable and has very few errors while being able to recover from the errors that it does sometimes go through. FAT32 on the other hand is easy to get disk errors. However despite this, if you’re running a few networks then FAT32 is definitely the option. NTFS however, is good for one network and even when it does happen to have small errors, it has log files created. This helps to go back and see what happened and fix it, as well as avoid it from happening again. 


  • If you’re using your computer with one network and as a main computer for work or school then NTFS is the best file format for you and your PC. 
  • For those running various networks then FAT32 is what you’ll want to consider.
  • FAT32 doesn't compress files which wastes computer space and it already doesn't come with more then 32 GB of space.
  • NTFS on the other hand has 16 TB and also it compresses files which saves a lot of space. 
  • NTFS is such a better upgrade then FAT allowing not only file compression but also encryption, a better and more advanced security and quotas. 


comments 2 Comments

  • Guest4567 . 3+ yrs. ago

Pro Tools (any version) will not record onto a FAT32 hard drive. If you intend to use your computer to make or record music, FAT32 will not work.

  • SADDI SHAH . 3+ yrs. ago

IF we want collect loss of data than NTFS is better than FAT and in case of networking than NTFS is relay-able in booth condition NTFS is most rely-able

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