Drudge Report vs. Huffington Post: Whose news is better?

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Difference between Drudge Report and Huffington Post

The Internet is a great information portal of events of every kind. On the World Wide Web, you can find all sorts of information from the most incredible stories to the most scandalous events. Two websites that feature online news are the Drudge Report and Huffington Post. Drudge Report was founded in 1997 by Matte Drudge, while Huffington Post, which was founded by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer and Jonah Peretti, and was launched only in 2005. 

Drudge Report
Huffington Post


Drudge Report is basically made of headlines which are sometimes written by Drudge himself and hyperlinks to other news websites where the articles originate. The topics usually revolve around politics, entertainment and current events. The Huffington Post, on the other hand, works just like a traditional newspaper only that it does not have an obituary and classified ads sections. The site offers coverage of a wider range of topics, which include politics, media, business, entertainment, style, world news, and there is even a green section which contains articles about green living. The Huffington Post also boasts of the biggest names in media and politics as contributors to the site. 

Web Design

When it comes to web design, the Huffington Post is easier to get around with. The articles are organized and categorized according to the topics where they appropriately belong. It also has a search engine which makes browsing for articles a whole lot less stressful. 

The hyperlinks on the Drudge website are somewhat disorganized. There are no categories of topics that would make it easier for you to find whatever news story it is you are looking for. If that isn't disturbing enough, you are surely going to feel irritated with the ads that show up within the site. 


Drudge Report is very popular, reaching a high Alexa Traffic Rating of 505, but Huffington Post’s Alexa Rating is higher at 157, in spite of the fact that Drudge has been online a lot longer than Huffington. While Drudge Report had 3.4 unique visitors in February 2009, The Huffington Post has 8.9 during the same period. It also received various citations, including 2nd of 25 Best Blogs of 2009, Webby Awards for Best Politics Blog (2006 and 2007), and most powerful blog in the world. On Twitter, Huffington Post is also more popular with over 500,000 followers against the 69,000 for Drudge Report. 


  • While both sites do provide updated news of what’s happening in the US and beyond, when it comes to quality content, web design and opularity, the Huffington Post edges Drudge Report.
  • Content – Drudge Report contains mostly hyperlinks and content seems to be limited. Huffington Post on the other hand covers more topics. 
  • Web Design – Huffington Post has a more organized website that is easier to get around. Topics are well organized according to categories.
  • Popularity – in terms of popularity, the Huffington Post emerged as more popular, based on Alexa Ratings and Twitter followers. It also has a number of citations to its name.

Which news site is better?
  • Drudge Report
  • Huffington Post

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