Guitar Hero vs. Rock Band vs. Singstar

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Difference between Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Singstar

While the quickest way to get to Carnegie Hall is still to practice or so it seems, there is a quicker way to get at least a marginal amount of the fame…several ways in fact. Over the past few years a number of products have been introduced into the market, seemingly with the goal of making pop starts out of everyone regardless of talent–or lack thereof. Some of the biggest “stars” in this burgeoning market are Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Singstar. Each allows you to make quick work of hitting the top of the charts…even if only in your living room.

Guitar Hero

Market Appea


All three products offer pretty much the same appeal which is that they allow you to replicate the experience of performing music or singing in front of a live audience. The differences lie in how they actually approach this. While Singstar is definitely more karaoke-like in delivery, Guitar Hero and Rock Band are more focused on the instrumentalists’ side of things. Furthermore, Guitar Hero is more focused on providing a guitarist experience, obviously, while Rock Band provides a more "band" oriented experience.


Guitar Hero and Rock Band share a distinct disadvantage in this regard with the purchase of songs available from an actual physical stores or an online store. You do have the choice to get songs via the in-game portals but the process isn't exactly as simple or as straightforward. Rock Band does have a slight edge over Guitar Hero in that it has a more comprehensive online store.

Singstar for its part takes the top prize in this category, with an extensive digital shop called the "SingStar Viewer". With this PS3 application, you will be able to select videos online, and purchase songs directly, without need for the game or the online store.

Music Selection

Guitar Hero and Rock Band have a similarly extensive song selection, comprised of thousands of different titles. There are some artists that appear to be exclusive to one or the other, although both generally present a respectable selection of new and classic tunes.

Singstar is let down a bit–well, a lot really–by its song selection. While there was some attempt to include some current hits, few of the songs deviate from the mainstream selections or the chart toppers. Therefore, those looking for more exotic treats will have to go for either Guitar Hero or Rock Band.


Guitar Hero

  • Remarkably easy to play
  • Loads of instant gratification
  • Ideally suited for frustrated bedroom guitarists
  • Fun enough even for experienced players
  • Good selection of songs

Rock Band

  • Excellent sound and instrument quality
  • Good selection of songs
  • Does a good job of capturing the feel of a live band
  • Easy enough to play

  • Decidedly more karaoke-ish in approach
  • Familiar interface and performing style
  • Ideally suited for the very inexperienced or musically-challenged
  • Music quality leaves a lot to be desired

Which game is the most fun to play?
  • Guitar Hero
  • Rock Band
  • Singstar

comments 1 Comments

  • rock . 3+ yrs. ago

Guitar hero and the song "standing in the rain " are my addiction .They are the best thing ever happened to singing platforms

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