Delhi vs. Mumbai

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Difference between Delhi and Mumbai

As far as competition between the two most popular cities of India is concerned, one has to referring to the one between Delhi and Mumbai. Delhi is considered to be the New York of India and Mumbai as the Washington D.C. equivalent. Delhi is more involved with the political side of Indian life wherein people are more concerned with what's happening and where is it happening. Mumbai has been always involved with the money making process by holding a major tool like Sensex or the Bombay Stock Exchange, in its arms. Mumbai has always been about money and will likely remain so into the foreseeable future.



Delhi has been always famous for its well known night life especially among the younger set. There are many places that have become famous not only to the local people but also to tourists who want to enjoy the ultimate night life of Delhi. People go to discos that are open late into the night without much worry about security as most venues are very secure. Movies can be watched at late hours with a high degree of protection so that a comfort zone has been reinforced for people in Delhi who like nighttime entertainment.

Mumbai is in no way behind when it comes to night life. Mumbai has been able to produce high quality places of local and international brands that can be visited during the late hours and can be enjoyed to the utmost. The brands like the Cafe Mocha and the Athena are spots where night life can be enjoyed at its best.


The development of the new Delhi metro service is probably the most important change made recently, leading to a reduction in traffic on the roads. As far as one can see Delhi has been constantly been trying to improve its transportation conditions. Even the low floored bus is an initiative which the government has taken to make commuting easier for residents and visitors alike.

Mumbai has always been famous for its local trains. People traveling to their work place have found this to be the most convenient way to commute. Though the conditions of trains have become worse for wear from so much traffic, ridership is still increasing steadily.

Local People

Delhi is a place where anyone who has visited this place once or zillion times will always be treated as a guest. The people of Delhi love to make people from other states or countries comfortable and build a bond for a life time. It has true for ages that anybody who wants to enjoy the beauty of the nature and as well as the warmth of gracious people, the choice between these two cities has to be Delhi.

Mumbai is considered to be the land of the fast life. Everybody is trying to acquire something new or trendy. In general, people in this big city are more concerned with their own lives than with welcoming people who don't fit in with their lifestyles. Yet they are famous for celebrating in the best possible way with a lot of music and dancing and by inviting large groups of people to create grand occasions.


Delhi or Mumbai are both major hubs in India and every city has its own beauty and unique collection of people.

  • Delhi is comprised of a world of  major companies whereas Mumbai is more of a world of big business and the stock market.
  • Delhi has a friendly atmosphere whereas Mumbai is a bit tougher and fast paced.
  • Both the cities offer interesting night lives to residents and visitors.

Comparison of Delhi and Mumbai Video


comments 95 Comments

  • Robin . 3+ yrs. ago

I have lived in mumbai for many years nd right now im in delhi nd i think delhi has taken over mumbai completely coz only for one reason its a dream business destination as it is having all the nxt best developed cities of india nearby jaipur,chandigarh,noida,gurgaon nd the list goes on.

  • SharkAttack . 3+ yrs. ago


  • Suraj . 3+ yrs. ago

thank god... atleast someone have moved out off mumbai.People just keep on coming in these city but nobody think of moving out.

  • ABhay . 3+ yrs. ago

Dude I think every Indian Citizen can go **** anywhere he wants to and leave when he wants to....Why the **** people come out of this delhi Mumbai and see it as ONE INDIA.

And for you whos happy that someone moved out of Mumbai i'll tell one thing its not your **** city Its OUR INDIA

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

i agree.. but u forgot ghaziabad

  • Prabhu . 3+ yrs. ago

And you forgot that he's talking about the "nxt best developed cities", while Ghaziabad must feature on the list of "cities with no future".

  • Sumeet . 3+ yrs. ago

Lets talk about Delhi & Mumbai. Apparently achievements of Gurgaon, Noida, Chandigardh cannot be accounted for or added in Delhi. If we have to compare, then lets talk about the 4 walls of Delhi & Mumbai only and you will find that companies have actually moved out of Delhi to form their bases in some of these neighbouring cities. In Mumbai, despite the development of New Bombay Pune etc, companies have stuck to the City. New Delhi is purely now a political capital with most of the economic activity moving out or moved out

  • sumeet . 3+ yrs. ago

dude..i agree delhi is purely political d point which u gave regarding companies movin oou is absurd..many new companies are lining up to establish their offices in delhi NCR..and when say Delhi NCR it means whole delhi..u can find many offices in NCR region just because it comes under NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. Seems u never been to delhi so u r unaware of the geography of this city..

  • Tariq . 3+ yrs. ago

I think DELHI actually took over MUMBAI bcoz MUMBAI still on same page on the other side DELHI is gettinh devloped in every sec such as infrastructure or public transportation so DELHI simply ROCKS

  • Nilotpal . 3+ yrs. ago

Delhi,s infrastructure has improved a lot because of the commonwealth games. More over it has places like Gurgaon , Noida which are world class places.

But Delhi still has a bureaucratic feel about if and can never match mumbai in business. More over Mumbai is more cosmopolitan than Delhi.

  • Dilip Tiwari . 3+ yrs. ago

Hi, I was with a friend of mine traveling from Neemrana to Delhi. With dusty Gurgaon on the way ..I remarked my Delhi friend that how dusty, no proper drainage etc this city is. My smart friend from Delhi quickly distanced himself saying its not Delhi ..its Gurgaon ..its Haryana ..Delhi is not like this. Later, on entering Delhi, our discussion went on to how Delhi was attracting private investments. I was amused and I asked him how ..cos having worked in sales in Delhi, all that I noticed were the big Govt depts & Govt companies in the territory of Delhi friend was quick to say well havent you seen Gurgaon, Noida etc ..and I said that a while back you said that those cities are not Delhi ..Its in Haryana & UP. So here I want to tell all Delhi wala's that you cannot distance your self from the rot of your neighboring cities and claim all thats happened good in these neighborhood as Delhi's very own. I high light the fact that when we compare Delhi & Mumbai then lets compare within the 4 walls of Delhi & 4 wall of Mumbai ..If Gurgaon, Noida etc can be considered Delhi then Pune, Ahmedabad should be considered Mumbai. Contrary to what most Delhites think of their city as supreme, then let me say that Delhi has actually seen migration of big corporates to its neighborhood (Gurgaon, Noida) leaving handful big wigs in Delhi. Thats not the case with Mumbai ..Mumbai has great amount of private investment within its territory ..One hardly hears companies shifting headqtrs to neighboring Thane, New Bombay or for that matter Pune, Ahmbd. Therefore when you actually draw a city to city comparison removing the neighborhood(more applicable to Delhi) will see Mumbai miles ahead. Yes Delhi offers better road infra, space, quality of life etc. But Mumbai will remain numro uno! doubt.

  • Piyush . 3+ yrs. ago

ahmedabad and pune are different cities miles away from mumbai, and clearly ahmedabad lies in a different region too. where as noida and gurgaon our actually in the same region or in a diameter of 40 kilometres around Delhi. pune/ahmedabad would actually be chandigarh/jaipur for delhi. Also to enlight you say if a company is in noida or in gurgaon, they still right Delhi/NCR to denote that. For mumbai it wud be like kalyan or say navi mumbai. Because state can add any amount of land needed for mumbai. Delhi has a limited land and it is dependent on the neighboring states to grow. What ever noida and gurgaon is today its because of Delhi and its people. So credit definitly goes to Delhi. Mumbai is numero uno and would remain so for next few years but its quite clearly crumbling. Delhi or Delhi region should i say would be miles ahead of Mumbai in the next few years. Well thats how i see it from a nuetral perspective(I put up in Ludhiana,Punjab)and i am not biased towards any city..

  • Dilip Tiwari . 3+ yrs. ago

To piyush above - Limitation of land in Delhi is an excuse. Singapore, Honkong are islands but dynamic. Besides the limited land argument applies to Mumbai. Though not population but area wise Mumbai is half of Delhi but Mumbai controls the economy. And no.. state cannot add land to Mumbai. Thats the reason Thane, Navi Mumbai were developed. But those cities unlike Delhi havnt taken the sheen out of Mumbai. Nor have offices or hot spots shifted to neighborhood like Gurgaon of Delhi ..Mumbai continues to be a magnet and therefore companies & happening places stick to Mumbai. Mumbai still houses all thats happening within its territory unlike Delhi's dependency on Gurgaon, which is a different city in a different state. Again a city has to be compared to a city and not a region. When you add Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad etc to Delhi and compare with Mumbai then its not a city-city comparsion, Its a region to a city comparison. Therefore might of 4 cities cannot be compared to Mumbai. When we compare, a pure Mumbai-Delhi comparison is what I am asking the author for and thats what most do not do. Besides if you say that Delhiites have played a role in development in Gurgaon & Noida, then in that sense economic zones in Himachal Pradesh (eg.Solan) have seen most investments come from Mumbai headquartered companies.. does that mean people of Mumbai have developed Himachal!. The same applies to Delhi-Gurgaon-Noida. The argument of limited land or harping on Gurgaon is an escapism on the real question of Delhi overtaking Mumbai. Gurgoan & Noida development is also due to the open policies pursued by thier respective state govts, which the babus of Delhi cud not. On that ground, Delhi is the political capital while Mumbai the financial. Manmohan singh will never shift base to Mumbai nor will Amitabh Bachchan or Tatas shift to Delhi. Both these cities(minus region) will exhibit characteristics of thier respective activities ..and yes both have thier disadvantages & viseversa.

  • Ajay . 3+ yrs. ago

Hello Dilip,

We cannot just isolate these cities and then compare. Reason being that Gurgaon and Noida were planned as satellite towns to take pressure off from delhi both in terms of population as well as infrastructure. In layman terms i can say that Gurgaon and Noida were planned as working complex for Delhi if i can say so atleast when we talk about BPO and ITES sector. Now as these areas gave good returns... they are now turning to accomodate residential needs. Delhi shares a unique and constitutional bounday as NCR (National captial region) with neighbouring states of Haryana, Rajasthan and UP. Thing to be noted is that Development of Delhi has been and is being planned by keeping a close view on this NCR region due to which when we compare Delhi with anyother city like Mumbai we tend to include this region.

You are wrong when you say development of cities like Gurgaon , Noida took sheen out of Delhi... actually its laughable. These cities were developed not as a competition to Delhi but as a means to balance population-infrastructure equation which leads to a better lifestyle. Ofcourse i am not saying Delhi is next Paris or New York no its not... there is a long way to go for any indian city.

Its actually a tricky situation as well which i guess you failed to understand when you friend said Gurgaon and Noida are NOT in delhi. Its true that these cities were developed as satellite towns for Delhi but its also true that the governance of these cities does not come under the jurisdiction of Delhi Govt. Its not that we just share the good aspects when we talk about NCR. If you see a breakup of the crime numbers, most of the crimes happen in and from these satellite towns but we still unfairly listen "Delhi is a crime city".

You are wrong when you say, offices are not moving out of Mumbai. Here is an excerpt from economic times " the busiest business district of Mumbai could well be void of all the noise and bustling. There has been a steady trend of offices moving out of south and central Mumbai, to the suburbs. ". And its simply logical, due to rentals increase in big cities like Mumbai and Delhi, companies tend to move out to suburbs.

I also read in your article ... "If Gurgaon, Noida etc can be considered Delhi then Pune, Ahmedabad should be considered Mumbai" and i can only laugh. Chandigarh is most well planned city in India but no delhite would say its part of Delhi for the simple reason that it does not have adjoining border with Delhi and is not part of NCR.

Yes one thing that Mumbai has and Delhi lacks is Raj Thackeray and his goondas. You wont see regionalism divide in Delhi. Just kidding ...

Please dont misunderstand me, i am not trying to say that Delhi is Supreme (as you sarcastically mentioned in your article) or Mumbai is bad. I know both cities have good and bad aspects ... thats what make them unique and beautiful in true sense.

  • Dilip . 3+ yrs. ago

Hi Ajay, Read your comments. Yes its true that Gurgaon & Noida were developed to take pressures away from Delhi but more over it was those resp state initiative & policies to take advantage of proximity to Delhi and in that process Delhi has seen a exodus of corporates. Since I move frequently in Delhi market, every second company based out Delhi or with branch office at Delhi is contemplating moving to neighbouring cities (or already done so) You are wrong when you say corporates are seeing a exodus from Mumbai. While its true that south Mumbai is seeing some decongestion but a majority (unlike delhi) havent moved out of city limits. They have only moved to suburbs. For Mumbai, suburbs are very much within city limits(andheri, BKC, malad etc). A city is characterised by what lies within it and not whats external to it. Cheaper rentals and almost equally good power & water supply have led to development of New Bombay or Thane have but not caused a investment exodus from Mumbai. Cos Mumbai remains a magnet over its neighbors Your statement that Delhi's crime rate is attributed to its neighbours is again a classic example of claiming development of neighbours as Delhi's very own but distancing from the rot that happens in these neighbouring cities. Read last week India today ..Gurgaon & Delhi have been compared seperately for all reason. Read the wikipedia of Gurgaon & Delhi and the initial lines read that Gurgaon has come up as a good alternate destination over Delhi & Mumbai. About a decade ago, Gurgaon was always highlighted as suburb of Delhi ..People wrote Gurgaon, Delhi (as their address). Today Gurgaon has developed a strong identity in itself, most addresses proudly mention Gurgaon, Haryana! I know its laughable when I add Pune or Ahmbd to Mumbai, but the logic I am highlighting is that why does a city that is double the size (area wise) of Mumbai and being the seat of govt, drawing max govt funds needs to be dependent on another city for comparison. Therefore when one adds Gurgaon, Noida to Delhi and compares it with Mumbai then its not at all a city-city comparison. Its a region to a city comparison, on that account and in order to make Mumbai a region I propose to add Pune & Ahmbd. A lot of cities (including Mumbai) are marred by space (Singapore, Honkong etc) but they are all dynamic from within. They are not dependent on a "Gurgaon" to claim for thier developments. Similarly Delhi has its own dynamism and exeeds Mumbai in nos of parameters but sorry no adding external stuff to it ..cos other cities don't! While its true that out of emotional reasons or the fact that these cities are next to Delhi ..the people of Delhi do not feel that disconnect with NCR. But the hard fact is that Gurgaon, Noida is not Delhi. And as said that why does Delhi feels the need to add its neighbors for it to be compared with other cities.. after all Delhi is largest city (area wise), its the seat of govt, it draws the max govt money over anyother Indian city While its true that Delhi draws max govt funds ..thats good after all we need a world class political capital but not at the cost of ignoring the financial capital. Most developed nations have laid emphasis on developing their financial centres ..China was smart enough to develop Shanghai and seen the benifits. Unfortunately In India we have restricted ourselves to the political capital or perhaps done the reverse.

  • Charlie Cooper . 3+ yrs. ago

This is really the centre of problems I have seen of Indians that they are too interested in themselves but not the country as a whole. I believe that this is basically a tribal squabble between Delhi and Mumbai. I thought the tribal warfare of many centuries ago was the past.

  • Rohit . 3+ yrs. ago

A very simple answer to you question is to check the GDP of the two cities; and oh look guess what Delhi has overtaken Mumbai in the last couple of years and is growing at a rapid pace in terms of population and GDP. This clearly shows the more money and businesses are setting up in the city, and more people are being attracted to the city, Delhi itself not the neighbors. Also Delhi is growing much much faster than Mumbai. Go check the statistics. Btw I am a foll on Indian, and I see no reason to differentiate the cities, but since it was brought up, I had to add my input. I have lived in both cities and enjoyed them both. They both have everything so I don't see whats the fuss about.

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

Mr.Tiwari interesting comments but i want to tell you that the NCR is developed only because of delhi.People and companies who wanted from shift base (from mumbai also) or set up new base, set up their bases in NCR because of their vicinity to delhi.And now the time has come when total base of private companies in NCR is competing mumbai.Today Delhi has the highest per capita income.Its rated as one of the top ten livable places in the world,Mumbai is no where in the list.The civic amenities,infrastructure,living standards,cost of living in Delhi only(leave NCR)is far better than Whole Mumbai and its suburbs.Yes there is a limited Land problem in delhi more than in Mumbai as, delhi is surrounded by other states,so investment while setting up base in delhi has to be shared between them(talking of NCR).But mumbai lies completely within maharashtra and no other state and its expansion (like navi mumbai) is easy on papers.

As an Indian i want to see our both cities grow, but please take a lot of thinking before posting comments.

  • Rajesh Bhai . 3+ yrs. ago

Well, your knowledge about Mumbai seems to be of micro level. Mumbai has sea on 3 sides. In fact it was city consisting of 7 islands joined together. Mumbai has scope only to expand on eastern side and new land like suburbs of Delhi can not be acquird as there are already pre exisiting developed areas or cities. Be it Thane, Panvel , Lonavala (Hilly area) and Pune (different city) on the other end. Mumbai can't expand much. But still people from North India and delhi too migrate here for the reason best known to them. And about high standard of living, Mumbai constributes for 45% of total indan economy. Delhi metro and other inftrastrcture runs on Mumbai funds. Np oyher city gets the funds as Delhi drawas from other parts.

  • Amit . 3+ yrs. ago

I just want to high light to the author the author comparing Delhi & Mumbai or Delhi + Gurgaon + Noida with Mumbai. If yes then lets compare Delhi + Gurgaon + Noida with Mumbai + Pune + Ahmedabad. When we talk abt Delhi Mumbai comparison, then why does Gurgaon, Noida comes into picture. Cant the author understand that these are techically different cities and not Delhi. When you compare 4 walls of Delhi & Mumbai will find Mumbai streets ahead. The author has forgotten that companies and economic activity has moved out of Delhi. All the malls & latest thats happening is not in Delhi but in its neighbouring town for which Delhi cannot take credit. Today with economic activity moving out of Delhi, the city is now purely the political capital and seat of babudom. That not with Mumbai ..even after development of New Bombay, Pune, Ahmbd ..corprates have not seen a exodus to neighbouring town like the one that happened with Delhi. I failed to understand that whats there to boast about Delhi when Noida, Gurgaon are not Delhi ..they are a different states, different Cities

  • shrikesh . 3+ yrs. ago

I agree with you amit...if you want to compare then compare delhi vs mumbai only...

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

Mr.Amit why would these neighbouring cities develop if there was no delhi?So i think all credit goes to delhi.

  • amit jain . 3+ yrs. ago

Delhi welcome all peoples of india from diffrent diffrent state but mumbai having political problem like raj thakre who disturb out sider people of maharashtra.

  • Vikas RU . 3+ yrs. ago

To All,

Here's a neutral view. I am not from these cities but currenly based at Mumbai, I have also have distinction of staying at Delhi. I agree to comments by Dilip, the development of Delhi is of its neighbors while Mumbai is of its own. A cities development is measured on what lies within and not whats external to it. Most corporates either have moved out of Delhi or consciously choose its neighboring cities over Delhi. Thats not with Mumbai. Mumbai is a magnet over its neighbors. It houses all happenings within it and despite severe space shortage(more than Delhi) is not dependent on its neighbors to pride in itself. We all Indians need to under stand (especially Delhites) that the region of NCR has developed as a good corporate destination but none of its cities are financial centers of even local repute (leave along their international standings). For India to develop faster, we need a great financial centre or financial infrastructure. The developed economies are a testimony to this. Eg Newyork in USA, London in UK, Seoul in Korea etc. May I say that China was smart enough to realize this and since has put enormous efforts in developing Shanghai ..the benefits of housing a powerful financial centre within China is all for us to see. In India, its the reverse.. we have spent enough giving Delhi a facelift and the result of those effort are cosmetic. We have tourist & people of Delhi who go all gaga over Delhi's beautiful roads, airport and swanky buildings around in NCR but how does it adds to nations development significantly. Today if Mumbai crumbles or is dreamt of being left behind Delhi then none of the cities in India can stake claim to be developed as a global financial centre ..Mumbai has taken decades to evolve into a strong regional player and is calling for govt support to be a global financial centre. While we need Delhi but crumbling of Mumbai will hamper nations growth. Dubai is an apt example ..Dubai was all set to be developed as global hub but has crumbled down for not having a mature financial infrastructure. In conclusion, we need both cosmetic as well as holistic development, with development of Delhi we will only achieve cosmetic. While hollistic can be achieved only by developing Mumbai

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

A simple question again..why would neighbours develop if there was no delhi?

Dont you think just like mumbai, dlehi is also a magnet over its neighbours?

  • Anirox . 3+ yrs. ago

Hi to all..

Read all your comments and now would like to add mine...

If you do not consider gurgaon or noida a part of delhi then these satellite would feel defamed..these cities developed due their promixity to 'new delhi' and still the address reads noida/gurgaon DelhiNCR...These developments could have taken place in delhi but due to lack of space nd high rents the development shifted to the NCR...also the people living in these cities term themselves as DELHIITES...nd now when you compare actual delhi with mumbai..the former is distinctly ahead..:))

  • Vikas . 3+ yrs. ago

Hi, of late Gurgaon & Noida have developed a strong identity by themselves (especially Gurgoan). Gone are the days when people wrote - Gurgaon, Delhi. Today most addressed proudly mention Gurgaon, Haryana ..that city has developed a identity for itself. Read last weeks India today ..Gurgaon & Delhi have been compared seperately for all reasons. Read Wikipedia of both cities ..they will not mention Microsoft, LG, Samsung etc head quartered in Delhi!!. As highlighted above, the matter of space contraints & high rental is more applicable to Mumbai. Infact area wise Mumbai is half of Delhi but despite that Mumbai houses everything within it nor have corporates shifted base to its neighbors like Gurgoan instead of Delhi. Nor is Mumbai dependent on its neighbors to pride in itself. In one of the comments above there a comment worth noting "Singapore, Honkong are Island cities marred by space yet dynamic ..they do not depend on a "gurgaon" to pride in themselves!!"

  • R S Krishnan . 3+ yrs. ago

Mumbai can sit on past laurels.Delhi is the city of the future

  • Armaan . 3+ yrs. ago

In spite of being more than three times the size of mumbai, the GDP of Delhi as well as the NCR, is less than that of Mumbai.

Besides, for all these years, Delhi's GDP per capita was more than that of Mumbai's. But from 2009 onward, mumbai's GDP per capita has overtaken delhi's. Not only are upcoming companies setting up in mumbai, but foreign companies are setting up base in mumbai. Mumbai's economy is growing. In the first half of FY2011, Delhi's tax collection was less than that of last year. City of the future?

There is a reason Mumbai is an Alpha world city while Delhi is an Alpha- world city.

There is a reason both the United Kingdom invests more money in mumbai than delhi.

There is a reason America shifted its consulate from delhi to mumbai.

And although delhi consumes whatever money mumbai creates for infrastructure projects and facilities, delhi will always suffer from infrastructure problems. I am not saying that mumbai's is any better but considering the amount of money put into these schemes, Delhiites deserve much much more. And that is why, in spite of crumbling infrastructure, Mumbai will stand strong.

  • aanya . 3+ yrs. ago

maybe but you can't tell future,it was said that the world will end in 2012 but here we are in 2012 & it has not never know.Till 2 years ago mumbai was yet the best,so don't try predicting future

  • anoop . 3+ yrs. ago

If Delhi=NEW DELHI + Noida + Gurgaon + Faridabad , then Mumbai = Mumbai City + Suburbs + Mira-Bhayander-Virar-Dahanu + Thane + Navi Mumbai +Kalyan-Bhiwandi-Dombivali . And Delhi towns give delhi fame and development whereas Mumbai is busy developing itself and its satellite towns . Neglect towards Mumbai is unacceptable .

  • Rahul . 3+ yrs. ago

Well i see all the heartburn in this thread about amchi Mumbai, berating Delhi by saying "you cant include noida guragaon in Delhi, then we should include pune ahmedabad in mumbai as well". my frnds do u even know where noida and gurgaon are? They are placed right next to Delhi on either side, dilliwallas go to work there, they are the ones who have invested there energies using the FII money in places which were jungles 15years back.

P.S. at the end of the day delhiwallas get a sweet deal,with the world class infra all around us. Am sure mumbaiwallas rock, they have a great nightlife n stuff but the fact remains Delhi is the capital, so yea it is getting more development focus than mumbai.

  • Vikas . 3+ yrs. ago

Thats what I am highlighting. People go outside delhi to work cos most corporates or spots have moved to its neighbors and the reason claimed is that Delhi lacks space or has high rentals, may I say that Mumbai has more space constraints and higher rentals that Delhi. Still it houses everything within its teritory. Unlike Delhi, people come from near by cities to work and enjoy the hot spots in Mumbai. Yes Delhi has attracted lot of inventment in Infra and its important but not at the cost of neglecting the commercial capital. We need a world class political capital but also a world class financial centre. As highlighted above, china or all developed economies have laid emphasis on developing the financial centres ..In India we have done the reverse.

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

so even people go outside mumbai now to work (in its suburbs) so whats this hype about mumbai?

  • alfi . 3+ yrs. ago

Ha ha, some coments are interesting and true. the statement that noida gurgaon are next to delhi is like saying "you are my brother" & "you are like my brother" ..both statements are poles appart. the bottom line is that LG samsung, pepsi are not in Delhi!. programes on real estate highlight top construction projects in gurgoan, noida. on the cont all top corporates and construction projetcs are in the mumbai city (inspite high rentals & space shortage). mumbai is powerful within and is not dependent on external city

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

hahaha.. let me tell you that.mumbai now depends upon external districts (thane) forget about cities..i have seen a **** of mumbaikars moving towrds kalyan,thane. as companies have re set their locations.What Delhi has achieved is not just on your money (i mean mumbaikar's money).The latest report from economics time says that now Ncr is the highest revenue generating region in india now.So plz mumbaikars stop taking credit of your false achievements.

  • Sarabjeet Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

Hi to everyone I am Sarabjeet Singh. I think people here are fighting only because of one question which is, why Delhi is getting more financial attention than Mumbai? And all Mumbaiwallas dont like it because of one fact racism which happens only in Mumbai where all North Indians are not welcomed the way Mumbaiwallas are welcomed in Delhi..... and please dont think that its because you guys are from financial city of India its all because the love we Delhiites have for other states people. We do not have anyone like Raj Thakrey who feels ashamed to be called as Indian and likes speaking only in Mrathi, which is very bad. We as Indians are not facing any kind of financial or political loss instead we are facing loss in numbers of INDIANS. We are no more Indians, we are now Mumbaiwallas and Delhiwallas. BAD REALLY BAD.... shame on all of us that we are fighting on these kind of topics.

  • Amir . 3+ yrs. ago

It's really intersting and ironical that you are talking of racism in other cities. Lot of people particulrly from South India and North east complain about racism in Delhi and not in Mumbai or any other city.

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

I bet that you have no proofs.just honking.If you are true then why all these North-east people still keep coming to delhi?Why not move to mumbai ?

  • Sandeep . 3+ yrs. ago

Sarabjeet is right!.. both cities will exhibit caracteristics of what they are made up of. We cannot fight over Delhi vs Mumbai. After all both cities are contributing immensely to India!. India cannot survive without either

  • patrik . 3+ yrs. ago

whose this man/woman who says that delhi is new york and mumbai is washignton dc ur facts are completely wrong its vice versa new york is financial capital washinton is political capital in world even raterded person will tell that mumbai is financial capital and delhi is political capital of india

  • Faizan . 3+ yrs. ago

100% correct

  • anoop . 3+ yrs. ago


  • Nikhil Thakur . 3+ yrs. ago

yaar,,kya mumbai kya delhi,,,mujhe to in dono cities pe naaz hai,,mujhe is baat ka humesha proud hoga ki duniya ke sabse khubsurat aur pyare shahar humare paas hain,,agar aap ko new york ki tarah multistory bulding dekhni hai to humari mumbai kisi lihaj se new york se kam nahi hai,,aur agar aapko,,paris ya london ka feel chahiye to saddi delhi hai ji,,wo chaudi roads,,gardens,,n very beautiful kile,,wah,,,yr main to kahta hu,,east aur west ji both the cities r the best ji,,aiwi hi ladte rahte ho phaltu me,,delhi mumbai na hua,,india pakistan hogaya,,haan na bhala,,,

  • Manish . 3+ yrs. ago

Greater mum includes following districts-Mum(southern part), mum suburban(Bandra), Thane, Raigarh..Whereas Delhi's NCR includes Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad. If u want to include pune, ahmdabad include Jaipur, Lucknow, Kanpur, Agra, Chandigarh too...

Read PWC's India urbanization report in 2030 delhi itself without it's NCT outperforms mum's gdp. Delhi is future.

  • Vikas RU . 3+ yrs. ago

You are wrong man!.. Mumbai means only southern part, Bandra (i.e. the city limits). Therefore lets compare Delhi & Mumbai in thier individual capacity ..w/o adding the adjoining cities. Mumbai is a magnet over its neighbors. Poeple come from far off to work here and go back. In delhi its the reverse. Some of the best contruction in NCR happens in Gurgaon & Noida (and not Delhi). The reverse it true for Mumbai. Mumbai has the best of restaurants, Malls etc. Delhiites have to travel to neighbouring cities for that. Cosmetic developments like good roads, metro etc are all needed but other economic activity is also a must which delhi lags currently as its neighbours have absorbed all that.

  • Digvijay Singh . 3+ yrs. ago

r u joking..i am a delhite and i nor my friends dont need to travel for any shopping,or recreation outside delhi..we have **** of good malls and recreaional areas.Actually better than mumbai.have been to mumbai several times but there is a huge gap between the standards of delhi and mumbai.Actually mumbaikars dont like to accept their second place ..thats the truth

  • pranav . 3+ yrs. ago

totally agree with you

  • PRATEEK SACHDEVA . 3+ yrs. ago

I think that Delhi is much better than Mumbai because its people are very friendly and gentle as compared to those who are very arrogant and selfish in Mumbai.If any foreigner would visit India then he must go to Delhi first rather than Mumbai.

  • Srinivas . 3+ yrs. ago

Ya.. the Jats & biharis dominated delhi are gentle & friendly!!!

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