Laser Mouse vs. Wireless Mouse vs. Wired Mouse

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Difference between Laser Mouse, Wireless Mouse and Wired Mouse

As a staple in the genre of technology, computers have been a part of our daily lives. Computer equipment has consistently evolved and now we are in an era where laser mouse, wireless mouse and wired mouse are being used to present the simplest versions to make life with your computer easier. As you have a variety to choose from, it depends on what amount you can afford or the type you are most comfortable using. It depends on person to person, as to what type of a mouse that you can use but the company just looks to give you the easiest way of using their products and therefore, a variety of options avails.

Laser Mouse
Wireless Mouse

How They Work

A laser mouse has a very visible laser beam as the mouse has an infrared laser diode light fixed in it and your cursor responds to every movement your hand makes precisely. On the other hand, a wire mouse promises reliability, as they just need to be plugged in and used. As it comes with a cable attached to the computer, this type of mouse hardly is a failure unless the hardware is facing any problems. The wireless mouse gives you the opportunity to experience any distance you want without having a trouble about your computer receiving the signals. This type of a mouse can be used at any time and is gaining popularity over the months.


You get to be restricted to a certain area with a wired mouse and cannot go beyond a certain limit unlike the wireless mouse that can be used from any corner of the room. However, the wireless needs to have full battery and cost you more in the longer run. Moreover, if there is any meddling with the wireless signal depiction, your mouse is most likely not going to work. With a laser mouse, you will need to be cautious of the fact that it detects miniature actions that will be difficult to keep up. In addition, it will not work well with glass textures and see-through surfaces.


The laser mouse offers a superior image resolution on different types of surfaces, whether they are polished, wooden, ceramic or plastic, your mouse will be able to track the signals all these surfaces and more since it has been designed in this way. Alternatively, a wired mouse is advantageous in the sense that it does not need batteries to work, unlike the wireless mouse. However, the wireless mouse saves you from the hassle of getting tangled up in a series of wires and wasting time unraveling it.


Everything that is related to technology is bound to have its drawbacks and advantages but using the right mouse is something that is of personal choice. When choosing the right mouse for yourself you should see to:

  • What type of computer you are using as the type of mouse you will choose is make your work easier or more difficult e.g. a laser mouse would go perfect with a laptop whereas the wired mouse would be for the desktop computer
  • You should see on what payment you are willing to make for the mouse as wireless mouse cost a lot compared to wire and laser mouse.
Which mouse is better?
  • Laser Mouse
  • Wireless Mouse
  • Wired Mouse

comments 2 Comments

  • John . 3+ yrs. ago

Wired mice are better. It bugs me when wireless mouse suddenly loses reception, or batteries die, or buttons not respond...

Besides, i tend to lose the wireless mouse somewhere in my house, whereas with wired that is naturally not a problem :)

  • Buy Your Laptop Parts . 3+ yrs. ago

I stop using laser mouse and wireless mouse. Wireless mice are user-friendly than the other two mice.

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