Tsunami or Earthquake: Which one is worse?

  • Tsunami
  • Earthquake
Please select one to answer and see the result


Tsunami - 14Earthquake - 6
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i don't even know
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
They can destroy more things
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I pressed tsunami by accident
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because you have a more chance of dying because of drowning
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
THERE IS WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because it can kill people easily
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
they're stronger
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cuz u stupid
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cuz u stupid
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
the water swallowing you leaves you with almost no chance of survival
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because It destroys everything and make people homeless abd the people cannot do anything
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because earthquakes are only dangerous when they knock down buildings.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
A tsunami has large waves that are non stop and are strong as nuclear bombs!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because Tsunami's carry a horrific amount of water, slammng down on people's bare skin, however earthquakes are very dangeourous, but tsunami's win hands down.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because of the earthquake Haiti , was so destructive that it is still not recovered yet
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
THERE IS GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cuz u stupid
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i chose earthquake because u never know when it will happen tsunamis are worst to but earthquakes are way more scary and more unpridictible
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
earthquakes start tsunamis.and have a much much farther reach.causing volcano eruptions and unnatural disasters, such as nuclear reactor meltdowns,power outages and so on.

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