Unsurpassed quality.
Luxury and quality, style is something that cannot be duplicated,reproduced or imitated well. LV sets you apart from other stylish companies, and or persons. I luv one-of a kind, or near one of a kind, high quality products in leather as opposed to fabric. It is elite, speaks well,and separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. It sends a message in the world of Business, Fashion, and Society in general. My fav!!-IJN-VCT
durable and sleek design.
Classic. Made is France & USA, vs Coach which is now made in China
Coach is made in China, not America. Coach quality has declined from the 1990's. Even full priced Coach have defects, like crooked seams and mismatched leather pieces with fading. Louis Vuitton is of a much higher quality with guaranteed high resale value.
Louis Vuitton designs such as the speedy are timeless.
LV have more of classic design vs Coach that is trendy
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