broader in scope
more extensed
bcoz FRM will lead to a single door but CFA will lead to many doors but one have to work hard for all these doors in CFA but in FRM, only for one.....
It seems...
m gonna appear in cfa 2 june 2012 i have gone through extensive curriculum and made indefatigable efforts along with 2 attempts to pass juz level 1 of it. i got a chance to see frm curriculum part 1 which i believed bit easier and lesser in volume than that of cfa.
because it is diffcult
beacuse of its specific and concrete conceptual learning
tim tebow sux
CFA is THE most rigorous exam I have ever taken. More difficult than, say, Solid State Physics or Quantum Mechincs.
It took me 3 days to prepare for FRM in 2004. It took me 3 years to pass CFA LII alone.
requires thorough study , difficult analysis and 3 extravagant levels resulting in baldness....lolz
without question..
CFA curriculum is more broad than FRM.
Had an opportunity to sit for the exam and flunk. With FRM, have seen average students getting through. Probably just a perception.
much more diversified topics
CFA has almost the same credential as MBA if not higher, and its scope has been widen to include the knowledge to be many kinds of consultants.
Becuase the former is more intensive, rigorous, long drwan and requires heavy commitment and dedication. It is also more comprehensive in breadth of coverage