For Sale By Owner or Real Estate Agent: Who do home buyers prefer to deal with?

  • For Sale By Owner
  • Real Estate Agent
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For Sale By OwnerReal Estate Agent - 1
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  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The legality of clauses in every real estate contract and disclosure are unfamiliar to home buyers. Protection of buyers interest must be taken into an intensified consideration because a buyer will never know the important details about the subject property that most agents have access at their finger tips. Agents have a sworn duty to practice due diligence for the sake of their clients and know who the real estate service providers to use that will enhance the additional protection with optimum service at a lesser cost to the buyer. Let the agents do their job and they do deserve every single penny for the amount of leg work that they put in to serve their client, tactical negotiations that they provide to buyer's advantage and cost,time and effort that they invest whether the transaction will materialize or not. Wilson dela Cruz.

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