Far more predictable and is an untapped resource
Because it's cool
Tides are always predictable and unlike wind tidal waves are always available. The affect of tidal power on animal Habitat is unproven hence it should not be the reason to avoid the concept.
it is green
Because it is more efficient and costs less!
Based on the energy production vs wind.and the fact that it is completely unencumbering to the majority of persons
Lower Costs/damaging effect by wind turbines/efficiency/possible removal of all Carbon based power within 50 years(wind will not achieve this)/removes the NIMBY complaints/no need for government to make payments to Wind companies to compensate the non-profitable turbines (Government payments from TAX PAYERS!!)
Onshore wind means massive environmental issues (Flood/Noise/Light Flicker/Cost in energy to start the blades!!)etc etc
I think there is more opportunity for mitigating the ecological effects of tidal power that have not been fully explored, but I am a fan of both.
It's a more guaranteed energy source given that the tides happen daily. They are underwater and not seen or heard!
Cuz I like the sea Init
Tidal TURBINES (Note turbines, not barrages) are usually placed about 90 meters under the water so they do not affect the routes of ships or cause any visual pollution, unlike wind turbines or off-shore wind turbines.
water is 832 times denser than wind so you can harness a lot more energy in a shorter amount of time
i'm studying and writing a paper on Tidal Power at the moment and my answer is based on my research.
predictable and produces more energy
I thought that it would be because the power availability is more consistant... Tidal flows are known years in advance..
More energy in the water current and wind current, also most likely more constant