Both of them are my least favorites, but at least Cinderella has funny stepsisters and animal friends that talk to her.
I love Cinderella
I love cinderella better because she is a beautiful girl who was put in rags until she met the prince and they got married and lived happily ever after.
i chose Cinderella because she was not naive or gullible as Snow White . she acted mature in dealing with her step mother or step sisters. She knew that her stepmother and step sisters were abusing, that too mentally, and mentally abusing is greater than physical pain. Despite this , she worked hard and rose above the ashes and was the deserving candidate to get a happily ever after.
in sum, Cinderella was, is and will be an inspiration for young girls and women . And I always look up to her as inspiration
because she had a lot of problems and she solved them alone so, she is braver than snow white
Cinderella because she is much kinder than snow
Because she is
Honestly, Cinderella worked a lot harder and was pushed more by her evil, cruel, and horrid step mother and sisters. Cinderella had help from a fairy-God Mother that helped her find her prince, but she wasn't a princess until Prince Charming married her. Snow white was, she was just wanted dead by her evil step mom the queen
I like Cinderella because she is a very cool Disney movies pretty princess in the world
she older
because I like the story much more and it is more popular to me even though snow white is the first ever Disney movie but yet they put Cinderella's castle as one of the main attractions
Cause I wanted to
Because I just do
cinderella is way more dependent.
Weirdly, Cindy is the most modern princess until Brave and Frozen. She does not wait for fate, to rescue her, she sets out to change fate. Unlike SW and SB, she does not fall into a death-like sleep, until true loves kiss awkens her. She goes stay to a ball and later when the slipper the Prince is using to find and thereby choose her brakes, she produces its mate, effectively choosing the Prince.
Cinderella is adventurous, brave, and determined to find true love
She is awesome!
She is beautiful
She's blonde
because snow white is not looking so good and cindralla wonderful
because i like Cindralla and snow white is not looking so good
Beautiful hair , and great ****
She never gives up!
plus to me her story is a little more real than snow white's.
because cindrella is pretty and more beautiful than snowhite
because cinderella didnt sleep with 7 strangers. cinderella is an awsome movie too
Snow White does not look beautiful and is overacting
Cindrella is also not really good
I hate both of them
Both are dumbs
beause she is beautyfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think there's a lot of similarities between the two princesses in that they try to be the stereotypical role models for girls of there time, kind, sweet etc. But the thing about snow white is that you never saw here as a real person and this could be seen when she sings the song, with a song and a smile. No one ever does that. people do become frustrated sometimes and don't get over crying by singing a song. With Cinderella, you see here complain in the beginning about the bell of the palace and that she doesn't like working which emphasises a great trait on top of the other ones that are forced on us. This trait being patience. So unlike Snow white who did everything she was told to do smiling and singing unrealistically, Cinderella is a more believable character and has the even greater trait of patience
i like both but cinderella 1st
because i only prefer cinderella
because she had it worse and is more of a boss than snow white
cuz shes a boss
Her character is more developed and her story is more well known than snow white
because she is beaiteful
dhil s maganda ang story nya
because she is the bomb(best of them all)
cinderella is very cute and kind i love her
because i like her moive
Because she is proof that the right pair of shoes can change your life
Because there are charaters and it is longer. I also like the talking mice in cinderella. Some of the animals like the cat and the dog dont talk tohugh. I also like prince charming on there. The wedding was very beautiful. Snow whtie had no beautiful wedding.
because cinderella as a beautiful life and snow white is just mess up she ate a poisned apple which made her die which was wierd when i wached it but cinerella is most resinable person who can tell a beautiful story so thats why i picked cinderelle
because i really hate the hair of Snow White
because i love the hair of Cinderella than f***ing Snow White
because she is the most beautiful princess
I just love the story of cinderella battling through the hardships she faces at her step-mother's hand. Through all that she still comes out on top and she never loses her sense of self.
I think she's more mature. Also, the prince didn't really "save" her. All she wanted was an escape. Snow White is the one who wanted a prince.
she haS A NICE ****
cause snow white sucks
because,cinderella is clearly amazing,she's way more prettier than that ugly snow white.Also,Cindy has been through alot more pain than that slapper snow white,AND,prince charming and cinderella are an amazing couple!:)
First of all because of the music,kids can sing cinderellas songs, second, cinderella is not as nieve and is stronger. cinderella can have sequels/remakes. the way snow white is told and ends it is very limited.
Because she has had to work all her life and she's more my favorite. I don't know.
I love everything about Cinderella!
Cinderella is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
love her since forever!!!
i love u Cinderella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cinderella's story is an inspiring story and she is the one to give this world a proverb called "Rags to Riches"
Cinderella is the most beautiful
Cinderella the queen of every girls heart!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we all love u Cinderella!!!!!!!!!!!
Cinderella is more beautiful than snow white. Cinderella stands for what she believe.have u all seen Cinderella 2 and 3 if u have not then see it u will come to know that Cinderella is a precious princess of all!!!!!!!!!
she teaches us that good always wins over evil.she also teaches us to be yourself and follow your heart.she also teaches us that world stands on faith,hope and believe which we should not ever lose.that's why inspired by her story i love her very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love all the human cinderella movies
because she gets from being a personal maid to a princess
she is good
she's pretty,kind,and a dream girl to many. she cn make guys skip a heartbeat!in short she's awesome
she's awesome. i liked to watch cinderella monagatri and it influenced me alot
Because she wears a glass slipper.
because cinderella was so beautiful .. but snow white . is simple not like cinderella but i also love snow white because of her lips :))
Cinderella is the better princess to me because she has a story that alot of women can relate to having a mean stepmother and stepsisters. Her story showed that it doesn't matter where you start in life but it's how end up.
I don't like Snow Whites bow in her hair!
Both of them are, well, kind of hopeless. Snow White is singing to the animals and so is Cinderella but neither of them stick up for themselfs! I only pick Cinderella because I love her dress compaired to Snow's high collar thing. (Went out CENTURIES ago!)
My daddy love cinderella foprme