I’ve always loved the wiggles ever since I was 0 years old.
Sam Yellow
Murray Red
Jeff Purple
Anthony Blue
They are elite. They are the defining kings of preschool entertainment. Even the newer Wiggles, with Tsehay and Emma prove they can handle it, albiet objectivley not as well as the OG guys did it for 16 years (1991-Nov. 2006, 2012) and Sam to an extent (2006-early 2012). We are not going to vring up their 39 shows at MSG, 12 of which were sold out.
Have more memorable songs like Hot Potato, Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy, Toot Toot Chugga Big Red Car, Rock a bye your bear, Can you point your fingers and the twist and Get Ready to Wiggle
I've grown up watching wiggles more
my son loves them
I grew up watching it
Because the wiggles have really good melodies and really know what children like and they teach them through song
because i grew up with the wiggles when greg was there
Better entertainers
The Wiggles was a Disney Band Because there in Playhouse Group
The Wiggles is a Playhouse Disney Entertaiment for Preschoolers
Because the Wiggles are just plain better and they where so popular and everyone remembers the fruit salad song!
Seasoned entertainers that kids have loved for over 20 years! They are colorful and creative.
They did it first
because being adults, when they act in a kiddy way to the children watching, they are more adorable and lovable to watch.
I like their songs better. Besides, The Wiggles have been called 'The world's biggest preschool band.' They're an amazing group of guys.
This might have been mentioned by someone else before me, but I personally like The Wiggles better because their show has funnier characters. Well, their show as a whole is better. But I've noticed something: Imagination Movers seem to be quite similar to The Wiggles. A little too similar. They are both bands that consist of four men who try to teach children through music, play, and humor. The Wiggles have Sam (replaced Greg who retired from illness in 2006), Anthony, Jeff, and Murray. Imagination Movers have Rich, Scott, Dave, and Smitty. The Wiggles wear colored shirts (Greg/Sam wears yellow, Anthony wears blue, Jeff wears purple, and Murray wears red) and black pants with stripes on the side corresponding to the color each Wiggle wears. On the top right of each each member's shirt there is the band's logo. Each member of the Imagination Movers wears a blue jumpsuit with red stripes and red gears on the sides of the outfits. On the top right of the shirt of the Mover is the Mover's name. That applies to each Mover. Two of the Movers wear hats. Maybe they did this to hide the fact that they are trying to be like The Wiggles? Also, the other characters of each show have some similarities. Mr. Knit-Knots (Imagination Movers) is like Captain Feathersword (Wiggles) because both of them are male, silly, and tend to make children laugh. Warehouse Mouse (IM) is like Captain Feathersword and Wags the Dog (Wiggles). He is like the Captain because of his high-pitched voice (Captain sometimes has a high pitched voice) and teases the Movers just like how Captain teases The Wiggles. He's like Wags because Wags is like a pet to The Wiggles and that mouse is like a pet of the Movers. Another IM character that is similar to a Wiggles character is Nina. She's like Dorothy the Dinosaur (Wiggles) because they are both girly (obviously), like pink, and ask the children's band that they perform with for help in many episodes. Bottom line: IM are trying to be like The Wiggles.
The Wiggles are better because they taught me how to make fruit salad. "Fruit salad, yummy yummy." <3
I've grown up with The Wiggles and I've always loved their music. Their songs are really catchy. The Wiggles have raised up a whole generation of kids in Australia because they have been around for twenty years, yet they are still going on.
The New York Times has called The Wiggles "the band that rocks the cradle." The Wiggles were, are, and always will be the band that rocks the cradle! They're like the fathers of all children's bands!
The Wiggles are more colorful. Color appeals to children a lot. The Wiggles wear something fun and unique. It's just a simple idea to have a children's band wear colored shirts (each member having their own color), yet at the same time it is a smart idea. The Wiggles are dressed like children having fun by wearing colors that appeal to children. Imagination Movers on the other hand, are dressed like mechanics by wearing those silly blue jumpsuits with their names on it. Those outfits don't seem original and creative. I don't mean to pick on them, but they just look like a bunch of guys who were once mechanics and decided to form a rock band for kids. I know that they probably weren't mechanics, but they sure look like it.
Check out their website, look them up on Wikipedia, and listen to some of their many hit songs that can be found on YouTube. Do the same for Imagination Movers and compare the two. Once you have done that, you will now know why I chose The Wiggles as the better children's entertainment group.
The Wiggles are better because you can tell that from their songs. I think they have a better understanding of children than the Imagination Movers. After all, Anthony (blue wiggle), Murray (red wiggle), and Greg (former yellow wiggle) WERE preschool teachers.
The Wiggles are a better band because their music doesn't make my ears bleed! No offense to the Imagination Movers, but their music gets on my nerves. The Wiggles are more tolerable.
The Wiggles have won ten ARIA awards and have recently been inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame. They have even been given doctorates from the Australian Catholic University in 2006, and from Macquarie University in 2009. They are widely recognized for what they have done for children.
The Wiggles are so popular that they have even met the Prime Minister of Australia. The four original members became members of the Order of Australia for their huge contribution to children's entertainment. They have made many accomplishments, and they have received many awards.
The Wiggles are better because their lead singer and current yellow wiggle, Sam has a better voice than the lead singer of Imagination Movers. Greg, the former lead singer of The Wiggles, was a good singer and had a great voice as well. The Wiggles are all professional musicians, and Sam is classically trained.
The Wiggles have Captain Feathersword! Imagination Movers have boring Mr. Nit-Nots or whatever his name is.
They put more effort and creativity in their songs and shows. Plus, they have better characters.
They are original. I'm pretty sure if The Wiggles didn't exist, then the Imagination Movers wouldn't have existed either. The Wiggles never stole ideas from any other children's acts. They have written way more songs than Imagination Movers and they are catchy.
The Wiggles are a better band for many reasons. They have written over 700 songs. They have more creativity and better characters. They didn't build their ideas off of any other children's band because when they started, they had no other children's bands to compete with. They have been around for twenty years, and they are still successful. For those who say that The Wiggles don't teach anything, three of the four original members were preschool teachers, and they have put educational material in many of their songs. For those who say that The Wiggles aren't talented and can't make good/catchy songs, two of their members were in a rock band called The Cockroaches, and they were quite popular in Australia. Some catchy songs of The Wiggles are 'The Monkey Dance,' 'The Shimmie Shake,' 'Hula, Hula, Baby,' 'Thank You, Mr. Weatherman!,' 'Follow the Leader,' 'Fruit Salad,' and many more. On Australia Day of 2011, they performed in front of 30,000 people. They are often compared to The Beatles because of their popularity and their success. The Imagination Movers are basically a copy of The Wiggles. Both bands basically do the same thing; however, one of them is better. The only differences between the two bands are that the Imagination Movers put a lot of rock and rap in their music and solve problems. The Wiggles have done many genres of music and they are educational. One of their TV series, Wiggle and Learn proves that The Wiggles are educational. For those who say that Imagination Movers are not a copy of The Wiggles and it's just a coincidence that these guys decided to form a band that happened to be similar to The Wiggles, I disagree. One of their kids probably watched The Wiggles and these guys thought that they could do better. By the way, The Wiggles also had their TV series regularly airing on Disney Channel from 2002-2009. They moved to the Sprout channel because they were not happy with Disney's terms.
No need for one. Their just simply the best
i love wiggles music. surprising how often i hum their old tunes while doing stuff around the house.