Forbes vs. Fortune Magazine: Which is better?

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Difference between Forbes Magazine and Fortune Magazine

In the business magazine category, Forbes magazine and its closest rival, Fortune, are at the top of the pack. Covering a wide array of topics ranging from the rich and famous to current business trends, these magazines enjoy a healthy clientele of some of the world’s most powerful movers and shakers. In this article, we take a look at the characteristics of each.


Forbes magazine is a magazine published by the publishing and media company of the same name. The magazine itself is published twice a week, and its main competitors in the business magazine field are the Big Island-weekly Fortune, and Business Week.

Fortune magazine is a business magazine published by the Fortune|Money Group of Time Inc. It was founded in 1930 by Henry Luce, and its parent company is the publisher of various other magazines including Time, Life, and Sports Illustrated.

Best Known For

Forbes magazine is particularly famous for its publication of lists covering the richest Americans (a listing known as the Forbes 400) and a list of notable billionaires. The magazine is published with the motto, "The Capitalist Tool."

As for Fortune magazine, its main claims to fame are its yearly features that list some of the world’s most powerful companies arranged by revenue.

Notable Cover Stories

The Forbes list of the richest 400 Americans, of which the 26th was published recently, is more familiarly known as Forbes 400. This list covers some of the wealthiest people in the world, including details on how they made their money and how they spend it. The magazine claims accuracy within the $100 million range for all the personalities that they cover.

Fortune magazine on the other hand takes a slightly different approach, as seen in cover stories such as "How to be a great leader." Nevertheless, there is a bit of overlap between the two, with previous Fortune cover stories dealing with subjects such as "The business of luxury," which contained items attainable only to the very rich.


In general, Forbes can be said to focus more on topics that involve how to get rich. Fortune on the other hand seems to be more intent on publishing articles that deal with how to become a better manager. This divergence is apparent in notable articles that have run in each publication. While Fortune made waves with the humorous column written by Stanley Bing at the back of every issue, Forbes is more known for the Chris Buckley-penned coverage of notable billionaires throughout history, some of which go back to Biblical times.


Forbes magazine

  • Published by the publishing and media company of the same name
  • Famous for the Fortune 400 list covering the richest Americans
  • Claims accuracy within the $100 million range for all the personalities that they cover
  • Focuses more on topics that involve how to get rich

Fortune magazine

  • Published by the Fortune|Money Group of Time Inc
  • Provides yearly features on some of the world’s most powerful companies arranged by revenue
  • More intent on publishing articles that deal with how to become a better manager


comments 1 Comments

  • Anwar Huneidi . 3+ yrs. ago

many thanks. you gave a great comparison in a few lines. i am wondering if another comarison between Time and Newsweek is feasible?

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