The Cost Of The Health Care Bill vs. The Cost Of The War On Iraq

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Difference between The Cost Of The Health Care Bill and The Cost Of The War On Iraq

In the United States, few issues have received as much press and public attention as the war on Iraq and the health care bill. Anyone who has even a cursory awareness of the two issues is familiar with the intricacies of each by now, and the controversies surrounding both are the subject of frequent heated debates. We therefore thought it only fitting to take a look at the key differences and similarities between each.

Actual Cost

In 2008, the cost of the proposed health care bill was estimated to be around $787 billion, although the eventual figure was significantly higher. This cost mirrored the cost of another controversial Obama measure, the federal stimulus package, which was considered as a way to forestall an impending recession. The cost of the Iraq war also hit a similar mark, having been estimated at $750 billion by 2008. Back then, this figure amounted to $125 billion spent on the war every year. While this means that the cost of the health care bill was noticeably less than the war effort, the subsequent pullout of troops in Iraq following the cessation of armed conflict has also resulted in a significant reduction in the war toll.


Both the cost of the health care bill and the cost of the war on Iraq were basically sold to the American public via a series of misinformation tactics. While much of the rationalization of the war on Iraq stems from the pushing of the ideas of WMDs and an alliance between Saddam and Al-Qaeda–both of which have since been proven to be false and/or grossly exaggerated–the health care bill was sold to the public with the promise that such measures wouldn't entail additional costs on the part of the consumer.


It is interesting to note that the war on Iraq was actually accepted by the majority of Americans before it began in earnest. Things had turned around by 2008 however, in which time only 40% of those surveyed still supported the war effort. The health care bill for its part was just as accepted by the United States public, with 60% of those surveyed favoring its passage as well.


Cost Of Health Care Bill

  • Cost in 2008 was up to $787 billion
  • Was similar in cost to the federal stimulus package, which was seen by many to be an effort to avoid a recession
  • Consisted mainly of tax cuts and state aid packages
  • Lobbying often relied on misleading information to alter public opinion
  • Supported by almost 60 % of the population

Cost Of Iraq War

  • Cost in 2008 was up to $750 billion
  • Cost the United States government $125 billion a year
  • Budget has since been reduced with the cessation of hostilities and pull out of US troops
  • Was authorized by the majority of Congress, including several Democrats
  • Much of the rationalization centered on the existence of WMDs and Saddam's supposed Al'Qaida connections, both of which have since been proven false
  • Was supported by about 60 % of the United States population at the start
  • Support decreased to 40%
  • 60% of respondents now see the invasion as a mistake

Which one is money better spent?
  • The Cost Of The Health Care Bill
  • The Cost Of The War On Iraq

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