New York vs. London

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Difference between New York and London

When it comes to the world’s top cities, the two that always come up for discussion are London and New York. They are the undisputed capitals of the world in terms of culture, fashion, and well…virtually everything else really. London and New York have been locked in an informal battle of supremacy for sorts for many generations now, and neither has managed to maintain their edge over the other for every long. How do the two fare in the 21st century? This comparison article aims to show you!

New York

Cost Of Living

While New York’s reputation as the most expensive city in the United States is in no danger of being tarnished, it does have an advantage over London in that it still has a comparatively lower cost of living. While New York is ranked the 27th most expensive city in the world to live in by The Economist Intelligence Unit, London was accorded the number 7 spot.

Food, Fashion And Film Industry

New York has traditionally been a favored destination for filmmakers, due to its combination of picturesque locations and easy accessibility. London appears to be catching up to its rival in this regard, although it still has a long way to go before becoming the film-making destination that New York is. In terms of fashion, both cities appear to be neck and neck, although they have decidedly different aesthetics. While London fashion is noticeably edgy and forward-looking–and sometimes ragtag–New York fashion on the whole is a lot more genteel, refined and restrained, perhaps owing to the model set by noted New York fashion icon, Anna Wintour, who is the immaculately groomed editor of American Vogue. Food is another matter entirely. While the London culinary scene has improved by leaps and bounds according to most accounts, it still pales in comparison to New York’s culinary landscape in terms of range and quality. Manhattan is a particularly ornery obstacle in this regard, and London will have to come up with a respectable counterpart to this New York culinary haven if it is to have a chance at wresting the food crown from the Big Apple.


Here is where the balance of the scales even out once more. Both cities are of course formidable economic and financial centers in their own rights, although London is gradually gaining ground. In contrast, New York appears to be losing some of its clout as a financial center, although it still remains a formidable enough force to contend with.



  • Ranked the 7th most expensive city in the world to live in by The Economist Intelligence Unit
  • Tends towards more edgy, cutting edge or ragtag fashion
  • Food quality and selection has improved in recent years although it has still yet to catch up to New York
  • Gradually bolstering its reputation as a financial center

New York

  • The most expensive city in the United States
  • Still has a lower cost of living than London
  • Ranked the 27th most expensive city in the world to live in by The Economist Intelligence Unit
  • Exhibits a more sedate and urbane fashion sense
  • Wide range of quality dining establishments, particularly in Manhattan
  • Has lost some of its status as a financial center in recent years

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