American Idol vs. X Factor

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Difference between American Idol and X Factor

Reality shows are probably now at the peak of there success. People are tuning in and interested in reality shows; this can be of any genera; such as action, music or any other kind. Music is universally acclaimed for its ability to soothe the anxious mind and to pacify the stressful intellect. Considering this, television channels are heavily promoting musical reality shows. American Idol and X Factor both highly successful musical reality shows and are trying to bring forward new talents in the field of music. American Idol is a music reality show for finding new solo talents. This has been one of the most popular shows in America for many years. But the difference between these two shows is chiefly that X Factor also provides a platform for solo artists as well as groups to prove their musical or other entertainment talents.


Both American Idol and X Factor mainly focus on showcasing the singing talents in all aspects including vocal, performance, appearance and above all the ability of appealing to the masses. There are many rounds of auditions before presenting the performers before a live audience. The judging panel point outs the faults and weak points of their performances to the contestants. The viewers have the privilege to select their favorite via voting. American Idol is an arena for solo singers whereas X Factor is an arena for solo and group performers. There is a specific age limit for American idol, but when it comes to X Factor there is no specific age limit.

Show Popularity

American Idol is one of the most popular shows in the television history and there are versions of Idol in other countries. From the first day, it has been drawing a huge audiences as well as ratings. X Factor is a popular musical reality show in UK. This show had a huge success story there. Now they hope to repeat it in the USA. 

X Factor Appeal

We can call X Factor - a platform for all ages to prove their talent as it does not put forward any age limit for the participants. After auditions participants are divided into boys, girls, solo, group, below 25, and over 25. This can be varied in each season. In X Factor along with singing talent, the judges are looking for a singing sensation with that ability to pull the crowd. In X Factor judges share a nice bonding with selected contestants by helping them in each and every section of their performance unlike American Idol. One can't say which one is the best, its time that will have to decide it. Just wait and watch!

Similarities and Differences

  • American Idol- Most popular musical reality show in USA
  • The X Factor- England's most acclaimed music show. Who is planning to launch its US version very soon
  • In American Idol contestants must be below the specific age limit and that is 28.
  • Unlike American idol, in X Factor there is no specific age limit for participation, also they can participate as solo or group.

American Idol and X Factor Video

Which show has better judges?
  • American Idol
  • X Factor

comments 2 Comments

  • Shayna . 3+ yrs. ago

This is cool! I have heard of this show and I think it is a much better show than Idol can ever be! I wish Simon Cowell luck and success with X Factor!

  • meme . 3+ yrs. ago

The three judges, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, аnd Randy Jackson are great, each of their own but my favorite is Mr Tyler who make me LOL with his awesome remarks. Jennifer Lopez, well, what is there not to like, love to see the real you and Randy, straight and the truth with respect (what a great human being). The contestants are the STAR and the quality is really good in comparison to the British contestants. British 2010 X-factor was awful, seeing British judges giving good comments on a poor setup performance (both in vocal and stage performance) is painful to watch, what a jokes.

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