London vs. Paris

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Difference between London and Paris

When it comes to traveling and visiting new places, one should always be prepared before hand as what to expect of a certain country or city. You do not want to get lost on your splendid vacation and use the time to experience the maximum number of places. When you put to contrasting cities together, you get the competition like no other. Similarly, the competition is tough between London and Paris. It is the British versus the fashionistas in a battle to win the maximum admirers!



When it comes to communicating, it can be quite a task. If you do not know the basic language that is used in a certain city, you can wish your good times goodbye. In Paris, French is the main language that is understood whereas London has English as its mother language. It is because of this reason that London is amongst the top tourist destination as everyone finds it easier to communicate.


When it comes to renting a place to stay, Paris is more advantageous. As the rent remains the same throughout the month, you do not have any problems renting yourself a place to stay whereas in London, the rent tends to keep on changing on weekly basis. London is a more expensive place regarding anything: The wine, the rail passes, the bus fare, the rents, the restaurants. The French pride themselves in being good cookers and this fact remains the same, as they believe that they do not cook for the prices, but for the love of food and they make sure that they stick to their words and present the most exquisite delicacies.


If you want amusement, you need London. As mentioned before, the key point to this city is that it has a language that is universal whereas French is not. Therefore, understanding musical, theatre and the people when they tell you directions are a lot easier. English people are friendlier in comparison to the French, you can find café's and pubs in London that are welcoming you arms wide open. You can find yourself at home when in London as the people around you make you feel that way and are the perfect hosts.

Similarities and Differences

If you are choosing between Paris and London, the later is the best option since it gives you a friendly vibe, the best there is but with extra money. If you are willing to pay more for something that you are sure to enjoy and like, London is the best option because:

  • There are hardly any communication problems when in London and the atmosphere is welcoming as well. You can easily converse with the staff, the people and socialize as you speak a universal language.
  • When you visit a new place, you want to relax and get entertained at any time possible and for this purpose, London is a place where you are get all that you want and the people make sure that you enjoy yourself to the maximum.

London and Paris best tourist spots


Comparison of London and Paris Video


comments 46 Comments

  • Elizabeth . 3+ yrs. ago


Both London and Paris are the most exciting places to visit. London wins here because of the language, entertainment(broadway) etc. London is the number one tourist destination for Americans and Canadians.


However, it is a completely different picture if you want to live in London. Cost of living is very high in London compared to Paris. In London, we need to pay rent every week. London's cost of living is 4 times higher than Paris.

  • Blair . 3+ yrs. ago

London , the key point to this city is that it has a language that is universal whereas French is not. English people are friendlier in comparison to the French .

Very well written .Once i was in French village on a bus tour and had to wait 30 minutes before a shop owner understood i was asking for a pack of biscuits .

  • Jerry Sonzogno . 3+ yrs. ago

For entertainment London is Great 2 thumbs up because in London you can enjoy yourself 24/7 but Paris in my opinion for entertainment is dead

  • Anna Delaney . 3+ yrs. ago

Obviously, Jerry, you haven't been to the cinema in Paris (to see an English language film) or to a jazz club.

Give it another go, mon ami ;)

  • Laura S. . 3+ yrs. ago

In Paris you can go to cafés, the Eiffel Tower, shopping for cute French clothes, and so many other things. I love both cities, and London is fun, but so is Paris.🇷🇺🇬🇧

  • glurgh . 3+ yrs. ago

Both English and French are global languages in the sense that they are spoken all across the world.. But talking about degrees, of course english is by far the most spoken.

When that is said, i am of the opinion that it is the visitors responsibility to accommodate and not the resident. No english speaker should assume that people will understand them when speaking english.

  • Anna Delaney . 3+ yrs. ago

A bit ironic given that biscuit is a French word.

Ever thought of learning the language?

  • Kay . 3+ yrs. ago

Dude your comparisons are pretty bias and you didn't really touch on really important points as transportation and services!

In terms of transportation, London comes on top overall (I'd say since 2000) as the tube has been undergoing plenty of upgrades and the stations are really clean. Paris has pretty dirty stations, but many of them are very arty (Art Noveau). But Paris has an advantage of having metro stations everywhere (so your never far from one) and the delays are fewer than London.

As for the language factor, many in Paris speak English, even if they don't like it. You can pretty much communicate in English and go about your business fine, and if your more open you can easily start learning some basic French (which is very easy really).

Paris has a very vibrant entertainment scene, but it's pretty Parisian, unlike London entertainment which is pretty universal. And London stays up longer while in Paris after a certain time the city goes dormant.

But Paris architecture trumps London's by MILES. In every Arrondessement you have such an amazing neighborhood feel, something which you never get in 'central london'. And this takes me to my final point.

London and Paris are designed in COMPLETELY different ways. London is a city whose center is a financial, social, cultural and economic hub but no one live in the center, everyone goes back to the suburbs (zones 2-6) and more to live. The suburbs are nice, but they don't have that urban feel to them. Paris is full of Parisians, in all of its 20 Arrs, so you meet normal people who live in Paris and go to their butcher and their cheese guy and all those amazing things. In London you just don't get people living, they are all working. Londoners managed to turn their center into a merely work and tourist place and they all went to the suburbs (including me), so ultimately comparisons between the cities will not work I think.

  • Jerry Sonzogno . 3+ yrs. ago

Ok you said that Paris have aechitectural trumps what London don't have why you don't just take the look at the Surburbs surranding the central Paris I found them quite frighten. Don't just visit the ouristic routes of Paris Where you can't found a white french men around because it is highly habituated with arabs and blacks or Chinatown they say that paris has one of the Europes biggest Chinatown you ca found

  • Anna Delaney . 3+ yrs. ago

Some good points here, @Kay. The distance between metro stations in Paris is shorter than on London's tube and you're right when you mention that in central Paris you're never far from the metro.

In terms of navigating the systems, London is easier as it gives a geographical direction (North/South) not just the name at the end of the line. I always had to write down the steps I was taking on the metro so as not to get lost.

Paris buses are good but London buses are THE TOPS, no question.

Re. restaurants, the author of the article obviously hasn't experienced the 'London saloon', a type of bar where everyone puts down their pint when you enter. London can be parochial. It's not just one great big cosmos.

And Paris is a far better city to visit as a single person. In London, some places just don't want to serve you if you're on your own or they try to give you two of everything just to hammer home your 'loneliness'. In Paris, I have never had this experience and I've often got chatting to the waiter/waitress or, on occasion, other diners. Try chatting to other diners as a single person in London and they either think you're a pervert or mentally ill. Nice.

As for architecture, I tend to agree with the author though I have to say that every time I return to Londres, the sight of the red terraces with their mainly disused chimneys warms my cockles.

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner.....

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