Bigfoot or Chupacabra: Which mythological creature is more terrifying?

  • Bigfoot
  • Chupacabra
Please select one to answer and see the result


Bigfoot - 5Chupacabra - 28
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because the Bigfoot hunters are near where I live and he could easly break us in half. Or he could just be a little animal with big feet I don't know but he kinda sounds cute If you think about him like that. Pulse the other one just sound kinda like a vampire.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
chupacabra suck
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because if bigfoot can break trees he can easily break a humans bones. Also bigfoot is 8 ft tall and wieghs a quarter ton.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
bigfoot is one big hairy ape like creaturemixed witha man. If you ask me seeing something like that would scare the living **** outta me.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
it sucks animal blood and as far as I know it has had a lot more sightings than bigfoot. it has been seen in more populated ares than bigfoot
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
bc it drinks blood
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He big as **** bro
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i wanted to
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Chupacabra is more terrifying because IT GOES BANG BANG
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It is not actually kangaroo like it it actually more of a leathery skinned canine with spike like barbs going down its back it stands as tall as a full grown gray wolf and is not typically scared of people it has confronted people before and my grandmother actually shot one on our trip to puerto rico at her ranch but we never found the body but all in all it is like large mutant canid creature
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
When i saw mountain monsters when it was night when buky came to the golf cart that **** bicht he scared me half to death
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because it sucks blood and kills stuff
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The chupacabra is a blood sucker. That's just more scary.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because it's more dog and delvish like. It sounds like an evil little creature and it scares me a lot. 😰😱😨
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It's scarier
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He's ugly
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because chupacabra is cool
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because chupacabra looks like a monster and I don't like the way it sucks goat blood
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cause the chupacabra i can picture having blood dripping from its fangs and glowing red eyes. That just seems more terrifying
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because it has scary eyes
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
its freakyyy
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
becouse bigfoot has not been known to atack but the Chupacabra can suck the blood out of you.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It sucks blood from goats and chickens. Chupacabras have claws to catch their food. I've selected this opinion because I'm learning about it on Poptropica,a virtual world for adults, and kids.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
sucks blood
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
looks more dangerous than plain old big foot
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i believe in Big foot but the Chupacabra sounds so fake and i say a video of Big foot and it looked more real.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because i read a story about it and it suck blood from animals and attack people.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
blood sucking creatures

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