Illegal or Undocumented: Who is bad for our economy?

  • Illegal
  • Undocumented
Please select one to answer and see the result


Illegal - 2Undocumented - 1
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Have worked with many immigrants who have came here legally. When illegal aliens go to work they need a social security card. Can not tell you all the times I have had to help people that had their social security card number used by a illegal aliens.I.R.S.goes after the legal card holder and he is guilty until proven innocent.After being scared not sure what to do.I take them to the IRS with his priest and two more witnesses and documents proving that it was a stolen I'D . Legal immigrants who don't cheat on the taxes .Raise their family in a Christian faith and contribute to society hate to be put in the same group as illegal aliens.You have to go back to Mexico every 5years and serve in the military to maintain your rights for land health care and citizen ship.This is why illegals would rather steal a social security number claim 7 dependents have their wife claim welfare under three different names then go back to Mexico rich.Why because we let them. EVerify Border wall's and a traceable currency is the answer.No cutting in front of the line.I love how you point out the definition of a immigrant. I love to tell them what the Latin saying on most of our currency. Out of many we become one We are a great nation of immigrants but you can not have a nation without borders are laws that are followed.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because the illegal consciously chose to break our Sovereign law by trespassing into our country. The undocumented May be a victim of parents who were illegal originally oh, so are less of a threat to our society.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
To me, they are in fact illegal. Thus a much more confusing term to most people.

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