Ahmedabad vs. Pune

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Difference between Ahmedabad and Pune

Ahmedabad and Pune are both important and fast progressing cities in India. Ahmedabad is the largest city and the capital of Gujarat, located on the banks of river Sabarmati. Poona, now called Pune, is the second largest city in Maharashtra after Mumbai. This city is located on the Deccan plateau with a Sanskrit name meaning “poonya” or virtue.



Ahmedabad was founded under the Sultanate rule by Sultan Ahmed Shah. The sultan had been in search for a place to build his capital city, then upon learning from a hermit about the unique characteristics of the city, he decided to establish his capital in Ahmedabad.

Pune has been ruled by more than one dynasty over the centuries. Pune, formerly known as Poona was originally under the rule of the Rashtrakootaas followed by the rulership of the Yadavas. After the fall of these two dynasties, Poona remained under the control of the Mughals until the mid 17th century. After the Mughals reign ended, Poona came under the control of the Maratha Empire, which was founded by Shivaji. Again after his death, it went back to the Mughals under Aurangzeb’s rule. Pune has seen several freedom movements by well-known freedom fighters against the oppressive and violent British colonial rule.


Pune is located on the western margin of the Deccan Plateau. It extends from 18° 32" North latitudeto 73° 51" East longitude. Its altitude is 559 meters above sea level. It is situated where the confluence of the two rivers, the Mula and Mutha, occurs.

Ahmedabad rests between the coordinates of 23.03° North and 72.58° East. It is situated in the western part of India at a height of 53 meters above sea level.

Trade, Commerce and Education

Ahmedabad has been an important center for trade and commerce in India since the beginning. Owing to its flourishing land which is good for cotton, it has plenty of cotton mills and supplies cotton to the rest of the country while also exporting some of it. The city has always been successful in commerce and hosts throngs of businessmen.

Pune has grown to be a major city over the last few years with a boom in the IT industry. Pune has the sixth largest metropolitan economy and the second highest per capita income in the country. It also has the least income disparity between the rich and poor.

Pune is a well-known place for its varied educational institutions. In fact, colleges of engineering, medicine as well as general colleges, management and law colleges thrive here. Students from different parts of the country pursue higher education in some of the more well-known colleges of Pune.


Ahmedabad, according to the 2001 census, has an average population of 3.5 million people. The sex ratio is 886 females to every 1000 males. Gujarati is their regional language.

According to the 2005 census, Pune has an urban population of 4,485,000. Marathi is the regional language spoken here.

Similarities and Differences

  • Both Ahmedabad and Pune have long-standing legacies behind them and were established during medieval times.
  • At present, Pune is a hub of IT industry and learning institutions while Ahmedabad is a major traditional business center and a pilgrimage destination.

Ahmedabad and Pune Video

source: youtube.com

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