Linux vs. Windows: What's the difference?

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Difference between Linux and Windows

A computer is as good as its operating system. It will not function correctly; it will not be capable of taking in commands provided by the user and basically will not have any sense of functionality at any level without a working and stable operating system. This now brings us to two famous operating systems in their specialized fields. We have the Windows Operating System developed by Microsoft which falls under the closed source model and the Linux Operating System which falls under the open source model. Both are shining examples that represent nothing but the best in closed and open source OS models.


Basic Facts

Linux is an operating system for computers that is programmed using the C language. Its name was derived from the Linux Kernel in 1991 by a man named Linus Torvalds. The name refers to a Unix-like operating system that makes use of the Linux kernel. This system is probably the best and most prominent of all open source software’s available today which is famously known for its use as a server OS. Their systems can be implemented on computers, cellular phones and even simple gadgets like wrist watches. Windows on the other hand is an operating system that is programmed using C and C++ assembly language. Unlike Linux, this is a closed source system that is under its developer, Microsoft. The first Windows system was released on November 20th, 1985 under the name Windows 1.0. The latest version of Windows today is called Windows 7 and for servers, you have the Windows server 2008 R2

Advantages and Disadvantages

Now for a person who has zero knowledge on how to program using the C language or is not at all interested in knowing how, then you’re better off with a computer running on Windows as no programming is necessary for it to run smoothly for you. A Windows system is capable of doing almost anything you ask it to do. The only drawback is that you cannot see nor edit any programmed features of Windows. With Linux however, we have a totally different and opposite system involved. All you have to do is take the opposite side of my description of Windows, and there you have your Linux. But anyway, just for clarity sake, Linux is an OS that is open to be edited by the general public. If you are well versed in using the C language or have the will and patience to study C, then the possibilities of where Linux can bring you are endless.

Better System?

Again, if you know how to program using the C language, then the capabilities of your Linux system are only limited to your knowledge of the language itself. But if you’re not a big fan of programming, then you’ll do just fine with a Windows Operating System. Either way, both will get your computer working.

Similarities and Differences

  • Windows is probably the best closed source operating system in the market and Linux the best open sourced operating system.
  • The first version of Windows is the Windows 1.0 and Linux first appeared as UNIX
  • With windows, what you buy is what you get as it is already pre-programmed by Microsoft, but with Linux, possibilities are endless since it is an open source operating systems that enables the general public to edit it to their liking.
  • If you are fluent with C programming language then you might want to give Linux a shot but if you’re not a huge fan of programming, then Windows will be your number one choice.


comments 3 Comments

  • Artem K. . 3+ yrs. ago

I do not know how to program or even write scripts. Still, I use Arch Linux, a do-it-yourself distribution. And even a newbie can use Ubuntu, a Linux-based OS for dummies!

  • Firewall Implementation . 3+ yrs. ago

Hi, I found your blog very knowledgeable and i appreciate the knowledge it contains.

  • Pix . 3+ yrs. ago

This is a VERY shallow description of the differences between Windows and Linux. Linux is ultra-stable for one thing. It practically never crashes on a healthy system. Also there are basically no viruses for it, a big plus for Internet browsing. when installing new software or updates, it basically never requires a reboot, except when updating core system files... the list could go on, and on, and on... and on top of it all, it is FREE in both meanings of the word, i.e free as in "free beer" AND free as in "free speach"... But using Linux, requires one to forget a lot of old habits and develop new ones. It just DOESN'T work like Windows and that's BY DESIGN...

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