Colon Cancer vs. Prostate Cancer

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Difference between Colon Cancer and Prostate Cancer

Cancer is a class of diseases where certain cells begin to grow abnormally destroying other cells and tissues and spreading the abnormal cells throughout the organ or organism carried by blood or any number of physical systems. They are known by the medical term of malignant neoplasm.

Cancer can affect children as well as adults. Chances of being diagnosed with this disease increase with age. Most types of cancer are triggered by an individual’s environment, while in 5% of the cases it is due to inherited genes. Tobacco, unhealthy diet, untreated infections, stress, pollution and arguably repressed emotions are some of the causes which lead to the disease. Colon cancer and prostate cancer are two common types.

Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer


Colon cancer also known as colorectal cancer and is caused by the growth of cancerous cells in the colon, the rectum and the appendix. Adenomatous polyps which look like mushrooms developing in the colon don’t normally lead to cancer. But in some case, their uncontrolled growth can lead to cancerous growths or worse.

Prostate cancer is caused by cancerous cells which develop in the prostate – a part of the male reproductive system.


If the colon cancer is discovered in the first and second stages, it can be extracted through surgery. In the third stage, the malign cells spread to lymph nodes. At this point only 73% of the cancerous mass can be extracted through surgery followed by chemotherapy. In the fourth stage, the cancer is no longer curable as it reached metastasis affecting other organs as well. Chemotherapy can extend the lifespan for the terminal patient and in some cases, combined with surgery, chemotherapy can help people recover.

In the first and second stages of prostate cancer, the cancerous cells are located only in the prostate and can be removed through surgery. In the third and fourth stages, the malignant cells will have spread which makes the extraction harder, while the chances of recovery being very low.

Risk Factors

Polyps in the colon have to be removed immediately upon discovery via a colonoscopy. Smoking and alcohol abuse increase the chances for a person to have colon cancer. The risk is also high for people who subject themselves to diets. Those who diets include the strict diet red meat and low fiber products are more exposed to the disease.

Prostate cancer can be a result of genetic predisposition. If someone else in the family has had the disease then chances are his children may face the same issue at an older age. Obesity and excessive levels of testosterone are attributed to this disease.

Similarities and Differences

  • Colon cancer affects the colon, rectum and the appendix, while prostate cancer is localized in the prostate.
  • In the first two stages, malign cells can be removed through surgery. In the last two stages, the chances for the patient to survive decrease.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse can trigger colon cancer. Prostate cancer is a result of genetic predisposition, obesity, and excessive levels of testosterone.


comments 2 Comments

  • ed hill . 3+ yrs. ago

what are the negatives of having a colonoscaphy ed hill

  • joyce . 3+ yrs. ago

can high count of prostate cause colon cance

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