Distilled Water vs. Boiled Water: How Important is Clean Water?

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Difference between Distilled Water and Boiled Water

Water holds a very important role for the overall performance and resistance of the human body. It is a known fact that we are holding in our bodies 70% water. For health reasons, it is advisable to drink up to 2 liters or 4 water bottles of water per day to keep yourself properly hydrated. Major sources of water are groundwater, reclaimed sources, rivers, lakes, seas, springs and ocean water. To turn non-potable into drinkable water, it usually undergoes a filtering process followed by a desalination process - if the water comes from a saline source. It can be boiled or distilled next to produce even purer water.

Distilled Water
Boiled Water

Water Purity

Boiling is another method used to purify water. 100 degrees Celsius is considered the boiling point which allows water to stay liquid and form bubbles at its surface. Many bacteria lose their defensive systems, but there are some which are very resistant even at greater degrees of temperatures. This is the reason why boiled water should only used in an emergency situation. It needs to be properly treated though to become potable water. Distilled water is obtained by boiling water in a container and then condensing the resulted steam in another container tied to the first one by a tube. This results in retaining the sediments in the first container. The water in the second container is pure only if both containers are sterilized before the distillation process. The purity can be further increased through a second distillation process.

Effects of Water Purification

Many vegetables lose their nutritious properties in boiled water. Fish also cannot be cooked too much in boiling water as it is bound to lack taste and nutrients after wards. Boiled water is not a safe solution because it still contains temperature resistant bacteria. If potable water cannot be obtained, it is recommended to try and boil more than once the water which will be consumed later on. Distilled water doesn't have bacteria if the process was conducted properly, but it will lack important minerals too such as calcium, magnesium or sodium which can be found in small doses in the water. Fluorides which are important for our teeth are also considerably reduced through the distillation process.


Distilled water is generally used in laboratories for different experiments. It can also lead to successful cooling in the automotive industry. Boiled water is mainly used for preparing various dishes and in the distillation process.


  • Distilled water is purer than boiled water as the purifying process removes various sediments and bacteria from the water.
  • Boiled water is not potable and should be boiled more than once to increase level of purification. It can also decrease nutrient properties for some vegetables and meat.
  • Distilled water loses a few important minerals along with bacteria.
  • Distilled water is mostly used for laboratory experiments and in the automotive business for cooling, while boiled water is used for cooking and in the distillation process.
  • Properly treated spring water is probably your best choice for daily water consumption.

Which is better for health?
  • Distilled Water
  • Boiled Water

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