Mayan Calendar vs. Gregorian Calendar

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Difference between Mayan Calendar and Gregorian Calendar

As far as calendars go, the most familiar names in history are the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian calendar. While the Gregorian calendar–or a variation–is the one that is still primarily in use today, the Mayan calendar has a number of characteristics that make it relevant to this very day. This comparison goes into the most significant characteristics of each.

Mayan Calendar
Gregorian Calendar


The Mayan calendar is the name given to a system of calendars that originated from the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization. The calendar can also be traced to various Maya communities found in Guatemala and Mexico.

The Mayan calendar is actually based on a system that had been used as far back as 6 BC, or possibly even earlier. It shares a number of characteristics with other Mesoamerican calendars, like the Zapotec and Olmec calendars. There is currently quite a buzz circulating around the Mayan calendars predictions for the changing of ages in 2012, which spawned to creation of the movie 2012 among other things. The calendar has it’s roots in the belief that our Sun is revolving around the great central Sun of the Milky Way galaxy. 12/21/2012 marks a 1/4 revolution around the central sun which heralds the entrance of our Sun and Earth into a new great solar cycle.

The Gregorian calendar for its part is the present internationally accepted calendar, and it is largely based on a reform of the Julian calendar and the lunar cycle previously used by the Church. The Gregorian calendar carries on the year-numbering system that was in widespread use previously, which itself was based on the Anno Domini system of counting. 

Length And Variation

In the Gregorian calendar, one year has an average length of about 365.2425 days, and there is a variation of .0003. In comparison, the Mayan calendar has an average length of about 365.2420 days and a variation of .0002.


The Mayan calendar was actually developed from three calendars used by the Mayans, all of which used a system based on the cycles of days of varying lengths. These calendars are the Long Count calendar, the Haab, and the Tzolkin. What all these Mayan calendars have in common is that they are based on the serial counting of days, without regard for means for synchronization with the Sun or the Moon. That being the case, the Long Count and Haab calendars both contain 360 and 365-day cycles respectively.

The Gregorian calendar on the other hand was first implemented by Pope Gregory XIII as mentioned earlier, and it was in fact named after this religious leader of the Catholic church. It is interesting to note that the Gregorian calendar was actually adopted at different times by different countries. Britain and the United States only switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1752 for example. 


Mayan calendar

  • A system of calendars used by Mayan civilizations
  • Also used in modern-day Mayan communities
  • Roots can be traced to as far back as the 6th century BC
  • Based on the Sun’s revolution around the great central Sun, Alcyo
  • n2012 marks the entrance into a new great solar age, Ahua
  • Similar to calendars used by other civilizations
  • Did not actually originate from the Mayans, although they played a significant role in its development
  • Some of the best-documented and widely used calendars 

Gregorian calendar

  • Internationally accepted to his day 
  • Introduced by and named after Pope Gregory XIII
  • Drawn from the Julian calendar and the lunar cycle calendar

Explanation of the Mayan Calendar


History of the Gregorian Calendar

Which calendar system is more accurate?
  • Mayan Calendar
  • Gregorian Calendar

comments 10 Comments

  • Nancy . 3+ yrs. ago

This is very interesting. I would like to find a day-by-day comparison. A friend insists it's wrong to celebrate the christian sabbath on Sunday (first day), that it should be on Saturday (seveth day). My thoughts are that it doesn't matter, that different calendars would put it on different days. Can someone comment on this?

  • shelby . 3+ yrs. ago

Honestly, every day is a gift. Every one of us would benefit from the simple act of praying each day in efforts to make a personal and meaningful contact with the divine.

  • Prem . 3+ yrs. ago

Its a great calculation to understand.I want the world's greatest mathemathecian and the astronomers to recalculate and arrive at the figure we refer to as the Gregorian calender.

  • janet hunteman . 3+ yrs. ago

I find that we should quash the "12/21/12" theorists. This being due to the Gregorian calendar "date" changes made. So in fact the world will end in North America on 12/24/12 - not 12/21/12 as noted by the Maya calendar followers. Any thoughts??

  • Dawn . 3+ yrs. ago

The original Sabbath begins on sundown Friday and goes to sundown Saturday. The Christian church began celebrating the resurrection on Sunday, not the sabbath, which is still recognized by the Jewish faith. Decide which is best for you and your faith. The important thing is to observe Christ on that day and take time to celebrate Him. I have friends that do both.

  • sara . 3+ yrs. ago

Just so you know, your picture is not a Maya calendar, its an Aztec sun stone. Related but not the same.

  • Dingo . 3+ yrs. ago

I just think that since every other Longcount calendar round (5000+ years) has brought either new innovations in human culture

Or as some believe destruction to the planet causing a genetic bottleneck thereby improving all species due to die offs untill only the strongest of each species survives...

If you really think about it around the time of the last long count calendar (3000+bc) is around the time of the construction of all the planets monumental structures like the pyramids and temples in the middle east-far east-Russia-south america all the greatest places were created around that time..

The Real Question about all this is

What will WE as a species Do to improve ourselves and make sure we as a species survive untill the next time the long count rolls around... Or will this be the final days of humanity???

  • Dingo . 3+ yrs. ago

And if you think about To those who say mayan calendar is wrong by days...

In the Gregorian calendar, one year has an average length of about 365.2425 days, and there is a variation of .0003. In comparison, the Mayan calendar has an average length of about 365.2420 days and a variation of .0002.

Their calendar does it just like ours but their "clock" is more accurate than ours

  • ted . 3+ yrs. ago

It the aliens. dummies.

  • Abraham Kovler . 3+ yrs. ago

I saw a reference somewhere that when Pope Gregory (the whatever number) instituted the Gregorian Calendar, he either added or subtracted 5 years from the original count.

I believe he subtracted 5 years.


What happened on December 21st was quite anti-climactic, noticeably so!

However, what happened on December 21st,2017 was quite dramatic to me! Why?

Donald Trump on THAT very day, issued an executive order declaring war on human trafficking and crimes against humanity!!!

As a result, the facts that have been quite hidden about what was (is) truly going on became more and more evident to those awakening and paying attention beyond the obvious bullcrap of the corporate media!

If Pope Gregory really subtracted 5 years, then 5 years must be added, so, 2012 +5=2017!

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