Organic vs. Non-Organic Food: Which is best?

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Difference between Organic and Non-Organic Food

Organic food or non-organic food? That is the question that is foremost on the minds of so many people and with the increasing focus on what we put into our bodies and how it can affect our health, it is a question that bears repeated asking.

All the same, many people are of the opinion that organic foods and non-organic food are essentially the same and the minor differences between both don’t justify the higher cost of one or the other. Still others feel that one type of food is clearly superior to the other. Wherein lies the truth? Let's find out!


Organic food is the term used to describe food and food products that are subject to clearly-defined production and manufacturing processes. Food can be called organic if it is grown and processed without using synthetic materials. Such foods are classified as organic by certifying organizations like the United States Department of Agriculture or USDA.

As for non-organic food, these aren't subject to nearly as rigid regulations as organic food are and manufactures and producers generally have free reign with regard to selling their products as non-organic food, just as long as they conform to the commonly held standard of being produced without any form of chemical alteration or synthesis. Non-organic food may also come from plants as well as animals.

Costs And Market Concerns

At the time of this writing, non-organic food is far more in demand than organic food. It is hard to predict exactly where this trend is headed, but the demand for organic food does appear to be increasing while the demand for non-organic food has pretty much reached a plateau.      

Non-organic food does have a slight advantage in availability, although there are numerous places to purchase organic food as well. In any case, the availability of each shouldn't be a factor in deciding whether to go for one or the other.

What should be considered however is the cost. Organic food is generally more expensive than non-organic food, although its longer shelf life should be able to offset the cost a little bit.


There is currently no solid evidence to show that organic food is better for you than non-organic food. Nevertheless, the fact that such organic foods do not encounter chemicals at all during any step in the production is more than enough to convince many of their advantage. Non-organic food proponents on the other hand claim that not subjecting their food to damaging processing allows it to retain its nutritional value.



  • Produced using organic processes
  • Subject to rigid handling and processing standards that are implemented uniformly throughout the world
  • Less in demand than non-organic food
  • Free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and preservatives

Non-organic food

  • Subjected to minimal synthesis processes
  • Standards for handling and processing aren't as clearly defined or rigidly enforced in most parts of the world
  • Appeals to people who feel that synthesizing food results in loss of nutrients
  • Often less expensive than organic food
  • Comparatively low shelf-life


comments 1 Comments

  • Dylan Rhys . 3+ yrs. ago

i recon organic food is best because it hasn't been treated with s lot of chemicales and it makes it much more healthyer.

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