Charismatic Leader vs. Thinking Leader vs. Controlling Leader

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Difference between Charismatic Leader, Thinking Leader and Controlling Leader

Being a good leader is a very difficult task to accomplish but can be doable in a way to bring comfort a group’s style. There are many different types of leaders and each one has its own characteristics, styles, ways of teaching and charm. No particular style of leadership will cause everyone else to listen or follow their lead, but there are specific characteristics that successful leaders share. Often in an office environment charismatic, thinking and controlling leadership styles will be encountered perhaps because they have been groomed by their own leaders to fit into those molds. Let’s take a closer look at what they have to offer.

Charismatic Leader
Controlling Leader


Leadership styles termed charismatic, controlling and a thinking leaders have differing characteristics that make them unique and special in their own way. Each one carries its own torch. A controlling leader has to be in control of details and is very specific and brief. They are very “in the moment” and want everything to be precise. A thinking leader is defined as a leader who analyzes everything and uses his/her mind to the max by making precise and strategic moves. Key details are monitored as being the pulse of the overall character of the working environment. A charismatic leader is one who is followed simply because of their charm and the admiration people feel for them. They don't need to express their authority or use a harsh tone to gain cooperation or followers, their personality does it all.


One major benefit of working for a charismatic leader is the fact that many followers look up to them and feel a level of comfort with them. It's easier to be led by someone you feel safe with and appreciated by verses someone you're scared of. A controlling leader employs more terms of manipulation or has an obsessive approach to leading others. Not to say they’re crazy, just that they will lead with a very stern and harsh tone which scares people into following. A major benefit to working for a thinking leader is that this type of leader has an ability to get people to follow them for reasons they may not fully aware of. Thinkers are quick on their feet, witty and often have a sense of humor that is keen to most. They tend to be very analyzing and view many thoughts logically versus emotionally. This is a benefit because it cuts all of the crud out of any situation.

The Best for Kids

If a leader was needed for a child or a group of kids then I would have to suggest a charismatic leader. The main reason for this suggestion is the fact that kids work well with feelings and emotions and can probably and most likely feel safe and comfortable with a charismatic leader. If a child is faced with a controller or thinker they may feel obsolete or very depressed when they are around that leader. Not only that but they tend to feel inadequate or inferior.


  • If you are looking for a leader for children or teens then a charismatic leader is the way to go because of how they relate to others.
  • If logical best describes the type of leader you're looking for then check out a thinker or controller for these two can be the harshest.
  • The controller may be best in areas demanding precise results.
  • The thinker is most adept at navigating complicated interpersonal environments and could be the best choice in surviving in a downsizing environment.
  • A charismatic leader is one that others look up to and doesn't need anything but the truth and their personality to get a crowd following them.

Which type of leader is most successful?
  • Charismatic Leader
  • Thinking Leader
  • Controlling Leader

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