DMOZ vs. Yahoo Directory

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Difference between DMOZ and Yahoo Directory

Any website owner knows that there are many factors that should eventually spell out the success of any kind of online venture. You need to have relevant content, a domain name, and it’s also mighty important to get listed to the web’s most popular directories, such as DMOZ and Yahoo Directory. A web directory, after all, features categories of links to various websites. When people are in search for a website, they would use a web directory service to locate that particular website. No wonder that to get listed on the best web directories is often a priority for most website owners.

Key Features

DMOZ is an open directory site, boasting of a high success rate, expertise and professional guidance, along with an outstanding customer service. What’s more, when you submit to your link to DMOZ your site is automatically listed in Google which is akin to hitting two birds with one stone.

Yahoo Directory guarantees fast service and has a secure and safe check out service. The website is informative and offers many helpful tools. Everything you ever want to know about site submission, billing, and so on, can be found with ease on Yahoo Directory.

Submission Guidelines

DMOZ is very strict when it comes to the quality of the site being submitted. It absolutely prohibits submission of two sites with the same content even if they appear to have different URLs. Sites containing child pornography, libel, and sites that are under construction, and fraudulent and violent in nature are also not accepted. Apparently, when submitting your site, make sure that it falls under the right category. After making sure that your site meets the guidelines. The next thing to do is to search for the appropriate category, then click the suggested URL link and provide a title for your site (don’t use all capital letters) plus a brief description of your site. Your site is then queued for review by the editors. This unfortunately can take some time.

Submission to Yahoo Directory begins with a clear understanding of the guidelines. The site that you submit must support multiple browsers and other capabilities, and must not be under construction nor have appeared in the Yahoo Directory. Then all is needed is to fill out the submission form with your site URL, title and description of your site, and your billing information. Yahoo’s expedited service enables a fast response time of 7 days.


DMOZ is free, but yahoo Directory Submit is not. If your website does not contain adult content, you will only be charged a nonrefundable fee of $299/year. On the other hand, if your site features adult content, the annual fee is $600.00.


Notwithstanding the importance of being listed in one of the biggest and most credible web directories of the time, one should still take note of the following when deciding on a web directory service:

  • Features – while DMOZ features excellent customer care and high success rate, Yahoo boasts of fast service and an intuitive website filled with helpful tools. However, the fact that submitting to DMOZ also gets you listed in Google is a plus for DMOZ.
  • Submission guidelines – both have strict guidelines. Multiple submission of the same content even with different URLs is not allowed. Submission to Yahoo does not always guarantee that your site will eventually get listed to the directory. Yahoo has faster response rate because of the expedited service; responses are received within 7 days, while it takes months in the case of DMOZ.
  • Rate – DMOZ is a free service, while Yahoo Directory requires an annual fee of $299 for sites with no adult content and $600 for sites that do.


comments 2 Comments

  • Average Joe . 3+ yrs. ago

Both are pain in the a*s. You need to spend $299 for yahoo, but we don't know whether they accept it or not, waste of money... They need to refund money if they don't accept.

We need to wait weeks and weeks for dmoz just to get one backlink. Finally they may reject the site for no real reason.

  • don_7111 . 3+ yrs. ago

And you are still not listed?

DMOZ is nearly impossible to get into any more for most sites. It's a Dinosaur.

Find the category in the directory and click on "Suggest a Site". You'll need a Yahoo Account. And it's also nearly impossible to get listed for free anymore.

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