Angina vs. Heart Attack vs. Congestive Heart Failure

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Difference between Angina, Heart Attack and Congestive Heart Failure

Everybody should be well aware of certain illnesses that are associated with heart. Keeping the heart healthy is very imperative to lead a good life. Angina, heart attack or the congestive heart failure are some of the ailments that can occur when certain care in diet, hereditary observation or factors like BP are not taken care of.

The immediate obstruction in the flow of blood to an area of heart leads to the state of heart attack that is predicted by some symptoms or signs. Here we will be discussing about the main three types of heart attacks.

Heart Attack
Congestive Heart Failure


At a stage when the heart muscle is unable to process enough volume of blood rich with oxygen, this condition leads to an uncomfortable pain in chest known as the angina.  Symptoms make the patient feel as if they are afflicted with a obstruction within the chest which could result in pain or tension towards the jaw, shoulders, neck or arms.  

A heart attack is also an ailment that arises if there is a blockage in the flow of blood to the area of a blocked muscle within the heart usually due to a clot. At this stage, the first reaction should be to immediately take steps to restore the flow of blood. The state of congestive heart failure occurs when the heart fails in propelling sufficient amount of blood to the other parts of the body.

Harmful Effects

The symptom of Angina makes the patient feel uncomfortable with a heavy burden on the chest which might even extend towards the jaw, shoulders, neck or arms.  With continuous insufficient amount of oxygen in the stage of a heart attack reaching the muscle of heart gradually causes it to become completely damaged. The harm behind congestive heart failure can be due to narrowed arteries, high blood pressure, heart defects from birth or infection in the heart muscle.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of Angina are very confusing since the patients are unable to figure out the exact location of the pain. Normal signs like lacking breath, weakness, and nausea or light-headedness can be very useful to identify the state of Angina. Uneasiness in the stomach, back or arm is the symptoms that are most prevalent in ladies. Stable, unstable and variant angina are all different types of angina that have their own specific symptoms.

In identifying a congestive heart failure, the initial symptoms of a heart attack do not hurt terribly and are somewhat annoying but a certain stretch in the chest can be felt. Common symptoms like exertion at the center of the chest extending to the arms and neck are very observant. If sudden weakness, sweating or nausea is felt gradually, it hints that an immediate attention is required.

To every individual the symptoms of the congestive heart failure are different. Mostly fatigue is the chief symptom that hints at the beginning of CHF.


It is always recommended to pay attention to any signs of pain in the chest and following up with a doctor check up is recommended. Only the person with the heart problem can discern the level of urgency but warning signs should be never ignored.

  • All types of heart disease and heart failure are dangerous.
  • They should be treated and cured as early as possible.
  • A pressure in the chest is something you should never ignore which is a main symptom for all these diseases.
  • We may think we are aware of all heart failure warning signs when we talk to others, keeping track of our own heart health is also a must. 

Angina and Heart Attack and Congestive Heart Failure Video

Which condition is easiest to prevent?
  • Angina
  • Heart Attack
  • Congestive Heart Failure

comments 1 Comments

  • Joey . 3+ yrs. ago

I had a heart attack on in September. I remember getting very bad back pain between the shoulder blades and no matter what I did the pain would not go away. I tried lying down, Advil etc. I was writhing in pain. It was a kind of pain I never felt before. Now I have always had a bad back and back pain but never like this. I go to the ER and it turned out that I had a heart attack and I needed bypass surgery (6 blockages). I've been going to my cardiologist on a regular basis and everything is fine so far, but every time I get pains in my back I begin to worry and drive my wife crazy.

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