Wii Games vs. Real Games

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Difference between Wii Games and Real Games

Interactive gaming technology has replaced the conventional physical sports to a large extent according to statistics from around the world. The interactive gaming consoles interact with human movement in the real time environment as to take the impressions therefore giving a complete real time experience. It seems that the player is in the exact environment of the sports therefore the attraction of playing the same games in the streets and local playgrounds has decreased remarkably in the last few years.

Wii Games
Real Games

The Game Experience

Wii is a gaming console in competition with the many different gaming consoles from around the world. This is one of the seventh century gaming consoles amongst Xbox 360 and Play Station 3. Wii broke the world record amongst the gaming consoles by being the most sold gaming consoles in December 2009. The Wii remote or the wireless controller can be detected for its three dimensional motion giving it the exact charm. Say it, while you are playing a baseball game, the sound effects and the graphic quality makes you feel that you are in a real time stadium and you are playing it in the actual field. This feature makes it a doubtlessly excellent experience.

Real time games on the computer are another excellent experience where you have a wide range of game formats to play. One can opt between the many types of games available on the computer world. It usually gives the user a three dimensional experience depending on the hardware support. The game is experienced through the key board, mouse or joystick.

The Range of Games Available

For Wii gaming consoles, the games available for Wii users mostly include individual sport and team sports where one can easily play as an individual. These games include tennis, football, cricket, etc. Most of these games are real time games that are played in real time environment practically. In addition to this, arcade games are also available for Wii. Arcade games include action games too where the user moves on from one level to another combating difficulties where different scenarios make the game even more interesting.

Real games have a wider range of options. There are countless categories that these games are distributed into that include action, arcade, strategic, motorsports, team sports, etc. everyone can have a distinct game according to his own taste that make it a good experience.


By the scale of popularity, real games are limited to a specific group of users who have a computer. Real games' addicts are not that passionate about games as the ones who spent exclusively for gaming purposes. In comparison, one cannot make sure of what are the statistics of real game users as the games are usually coming off from many different companies therefore no record is being kept. Wii games on the contrary have been making history compared to all other gaming consoles. In December 2009 alone, a total of 67.45 million units were shipped worldwide.

Similarities and Differences

The virtual gaming world has brought almost an end to the physical gaming. An overall analysis of Wii in contrast with real games suggests:

  • Wii games are more interactive then the real games as you play them in the real time environment with the proper effects.
  • Wii games are based on your own movement and do not solely rely on keyboard or joystick key strokes which makes playing their games a fun experience.

comments 2 Comments

  • annoymines . 3+ yrs. ago

gooooooooooo reallllllllll tennisssssssssss

  • troll dude . 3+ yrs. ago


i want ****

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