Wii vs. Xbox vs. Playstation 3

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Difference between Wii, Xbox and Playstation 3

A derivation of giants like Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment is in the form of Wii, Xbox and Playstation3 respectively in the form of home game consoles. Primarily with the exercising of High Definition DVDs and the unique capability of blu ray discs, it has aroused an interest of all to a maximum extent with its unique interactive and fun feature. No matter what age category you belong to, it's a thing for all.    


With competition on a continuous rise, having similar feature of staying ahead of the high end personal computer games have challenges to be faced among them. No matter that all three games are here to serve a similar objective, there are certain aspects that differs them from each other. These distinguishing factors give each one of them a scope to be at a similar platform.

Playstation3 beats them all in terms of processing. The unique feature of processing makes it a device to be held by all to have the fun at a faster rate and in a unique manner.

Though apart from processing Xbox has made its own place among all the other games in the library by being graphically superior. This inimitable feature makes it to provide with the facility of possessing live as well recorded HDTV on the network of your home. It makes easier for the users to have an instant connection with the television at the same time in pace with the faster movie download of movies.


The power of High Media Centre Extender gives an edge to the Xbox since the others in the library don't have the same feature. At ease connectivity with the Apple Ipod and Sony PSP devices is the best what one could want. The more up gradations keeps on happening to the Xbox as in case of Xbox 360, it makes it so powerful. Users are inevitably convinced with its power.

Optical Technology

The possession of the optical technology and affordability determines the characteristics of the PS3-Sony. It is specifically designed with an embedded standard high drive, a high definition blu ray optical drive and a wireless connection. This feature enables players to play their game with other players at the same time having ease of connectivity.  

Wii has its own bunch of features starting from the 3D and a Nunchuk which provides with the supplementary functionality to the remote controller with the aid of the wireless remote controller attached to it. An optical drive is also present in the Wii. All that makes these games more exciting is that they all are made up of the latest technology and are never left behind to be upgraded from time to time.

Similarities and Differences

The analysis of these three consoles can be done as follows:

  • With innovation at its peak, games are made to be outgoing as in the case of Wii.
  • Graphics and processing are the USP of the Xbox and Play station PS3 but then Xbox never to be left behind makes an impact by the design and innovation.
  • A remote controller in hand is so convenient and this convenience is most visible in the Wii device.

Be innovative and make it a must dose of the day!!


comments 2 Comments

  • sign . 3+ yrs. ago

Well PS-3 and xbox are the leaders and wii is popular most in japan .

In USA its the rule of xbox now a days .

But Ps-3 gamed like gods of war are still the best of lot Go play it and you will know what i am saying

  • joshua . 3+ yrs. ago

I think wii should step it up get better graphics,and should have alot more,additions.

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