Barack Obama or George W. Bush: Given the chance, who would you vote for today?

  • Barack Obama
  • George W. Bush
Please select one to answer and see the result


Barack Obama - 61George W. Bush - 70
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Give him a Democrat Congress, and watch progress take off! A jobs bill, an infrastructure bill, and the end of oil subsidies for a start.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama's upbringing and describe a man who has to excel in order to improve and advance his modest beginnings while Bush had an easy life and doesn't really have to strive too hard.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is better for our freedom
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
We didnt have 911 or anything close to that and he was a true "professional". Had to fight bigotry, racism, religious views, etc. It is impossible and stupid to say we were not better off under him than 911 Bush.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush was a puppet of the oil and defense lobbies and unqualified to be president and selected not elected by electoral college when Al Gore won the majority vote.
Making him morally unfit to be president.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush is a bafoon
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is one of the best Presidents of this country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He has good ideas
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
A better choice for the People of America. In my opinion, he cares about issues that affect the people, families, children. It seems the Congress and other politicians care only about themselves and what benefits them.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
We have been "happy" to accept the controversies of Bush's and Reagan and got comfortable with the snow job. A man comes in and makes changes and people get upset. What is that really about?
It is time for America to stop being racist and include all people. Has done a good job with no respect.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because he is a boss **** ****
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is more precise in his decisions.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama is extremely intelligent and has moved this country forward while Bush is a buffoon who created the largest deficit in US history and should be hung for treason.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Jobs, economy, better future.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
George is reptilian
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I believe that he is more in tune with the plight of average american citizens, and furthermore, he cares about their ability to live a better, more healthy and fulfilled life. He is more in line with my overall thinking about social programs and our place in the planetary scheme of things. I have respect for former President Bush,but his idealogy is just too far to the right to suit me.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Look at numbers
Gas prices down
Unemployment d
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
George W.Bush is an idiot.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cause he black
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
No President coud be worse than Bush.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because Bush was an idiot.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I feel that without the push back from congressional leadership many more things could have been addressed in this country. President Obama has put forth the effort, has been upheld in his legislation (ACA) by the Supreme Court and when it has been his only recourse to implement the changes that will affect the American people he has issued Executive Orders. These measures prove his willingness to fight for the people of the USA and I support him.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
No 9/11 attacks, more employment and growing job market. Not an embarrassment when he speaks. Bettere relationship with our allies.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is doing a very intelligent job & our country has improved with him as President, DESPITE THE DO NOTHING CONGRESS !!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The US has seen continued improvements since Mr. Obama took office. He inherited a war, a financial mess, and has worked diligently to repair the damage done by the previous administration, all the while fighting against a partisan Congress. Would I want George Bush back in office again? That's a definitive no!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Simply because of the intelligence levels that I perceive in the two men.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Barack Obama has more charisma and he's willing to work across the aisle to get things done.George Bush isn't discrete and not very intelligent in regards to anything.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He has a more balanced approach to governing...
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
No comparison...Bush & Cheney were the WORST thing that happened to this county...they left Obama a huge deficit & the GOP has done NOTHING since Obama has been in office...
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The economy is better with him than it was with bush
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush was the worst president during my lifetime
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because he is strong and stayed us out of war.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
ACA insurance and help for the people
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
a president for the people. Bush was for the rich
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama is an intelligent hard working President for the American people. Bush was working for the rich and a liar.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is truly working for the people, all people. If he could get some cooperation and support and not having his ideas voted against not because the are not good or because they won't work, but they come from him, there's no telling what could be done for this country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Great man, great role model. Tries to work with the people.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Are you kidding??? Because I remember George W. Bush, that's why!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush is an idiot. Period.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He has an amazing amount of pride in this country and strong will to make sure everyone in the united states lives well. He and I share some of the same beliefs but we also disagree on a lot and having him as president will help me compromise for a better country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He(john)said that "he would vote for a dead baboon before he would vote for a republican".
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Thanks to Barack imnot broke!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush is racist
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Beacause obama is caring for kids!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because he's black
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is the best president the United States has ever seen!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I went to war 7 times with Bush. With Obama, I got to spend my son's birthday with him
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i believe in change
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i like the way he run things.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cuz George is **** and Barack is a boss
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He isn't an idiot.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Price of gasoline and the unemployent rate doubled under Obama...
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Barack Obama eases the political tension which Bush caused by US involvement in Iraq.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He has fixed George Bush's failures!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I think George W. Bush's policies put us in this deep recession.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because I'm not an idiot.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I believe our President is a decent, caring, strong man with super intelligence. He always keeps a cool head, and has the ability to make hard decisions...even those that could hurt his reelection. I am proud to have an African American as President. I am proud that President Obama brought respect back to the US and that he can speak intelligently as all our Presidents should. We have lacked that with the previous President. I certainly hope he is reelected as our Country needs him!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama's lack of real world experience was evident in his inability to work across the aisle.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama was good but Bush did stuff
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama called Bush unpatriotic raising the debt. What does that make Obama? Unpatriotic or worse.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Stronger on the military and support of the troops, they loved him. Obama gets some applause mainly due to orders from senior officers. Bush did better on economy but not by much. Patriotic and the jury is out on Obama.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
better president and support the Military.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Simple, obama is an idiot, just **** things up and is rapidly getting us into a war that's going to make Irag look like nothing.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Im not stupid
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Probably because George W. Bush loves America.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is a President that truly loves this country and cares about ALL of her citizens! His presidency served to unite our country after a terrible tragedy while Obama has done nothing but tear us apart and destroy the very foundations of our country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I hate muslims!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama has been indesive when dealing with the Mid East. During the Arab Spring people needed encouragement and a partnership as they threw out their dictators. Syria was begging for help. It was apparent that Obama was sympathetic to demonstrators in Ferguson MO and this emboldened the thugs who attacked police. Obama increased costs of building new embassies, but requiring "bolder" archecture. Obama pulled out of Iraq without our weapons etc....gave into a foolish Iraq leader. Now everything our troops fought for is lost. Hurricane Sandy recovering was slow, but the press only dwells on Katrina. Economic recovery is so weak.... Young people under employed. Can't wait for him to leave office

  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because your view of this paper is like most liberal leaning articles so of course I voted the opposite of your views
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama has created a debt that cannot be paid off. Al Qaida is winning the war and the President has all but given up on winning. He has cut deals to release captured militants that were legally captured on the battlefield. Obama has created a power vacuum in the Middle East. The US cannot stand up to Russian aggression. The debt is rising to the point of no return. Obama has pushed the race card in order to split the US. George Bush repaired the economy that Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve had created by reducing the reserve rate and the prime interest rate too low to be sustained. When the fraud that was present under Clinton in the stock exchanges created the bubble of the 1990's. Bush was able to stop the fraud and send the criminals to prison. Obama has helped to create fraud in the healthcare system in order to get kickbacks for his friends and family
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because im gooodd
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I don't believe in President Obama's agendas. I don't like his healthcare laws. President Obama brags that more people in America have heathcare more than ever, but that's because if they don't they get fined. I don't believe the government should have any business in healthcare. You should have the choice whether to have certain things like healthcare, not be forced to have it. Also, gun restrictions are outrageous. Even if the government restricts them people will find other ways to kill. Goes back to the old saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Eventually, if guns are taken away there will be retaliation all over the United States. Even when the retaliation dies down, people will still kill but more violently using knives, baseball bats, etc. It seems out country is going in the wrong direction quickly. It seems our right to choose and our ammendments are being taken away.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Christian Man !!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I'm a Republican,and believe our country is much more devided today than six years ago.not to mention less stable
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama is ruining this country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
At least when George W Bush was president I didn't feel as if I was being lied to every time he spoke.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama is ruining this country! Never trust a lawyer!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The Nation Debt speaks for itself and Obama's inept administration.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I believe in personal responsibility and regulated bigger government, easily supporting poor performers. The current welfare programs are good, but ironically not properly regulated by big government to preclude fraud. I want equality but not donated, do it the old fashion way, earn it.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
better american, better character, believes in american exceptionalism
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He did set America on a disastrous course!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Our standing in the world with this clown has put EVERY AMERICAN in danger . He is weak , and apologist for his own stupidity . We are The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , we have nothing and no one to apologize to , for any reason . We are the greatest nation on EARTH , GOD BLESS our beloved country .........
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
George w Is a better leader then Barrack Obama !!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Despite a few setbacks in his career, I believe overall he worked better with Congress to get things done.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
da !
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
ill always vote for the Executive who starts his day at 7:00am, rather than 10am
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Cuz obama is an arrogant liberal, that is out to destroy our country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because he showed leadership during 9/11
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because President Obama has not accomplished anything for the American people while in office. People have become more unfriendly, rascism is at its highest level. Gas prices are exorbitant and nobody took responsibility for Benghazi, yet you are constantly seeing President and Mrs Obama in the limelight painting the town on our dollars.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He didn't lie!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I don't now where this country is going I just remember it being more peaceful with George. Although Barack is a good guy I don't know if he really knows how bad it is turning out to be.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I was way better off 8 years ago than I am now!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama doesn't have any answers for our current issues.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Simpler plans for the countries future. I think Bush was a simpler guy with more simple ideals, which I think are appropriate for this country. This country is still insanely rich and very resilient. I personally am just more attracted to conservative style economics, because its a fact that Americans actually spend more than any time before, yet why we still seem like we are struggling doesn't really make sense to me. Virtually no one in the US is really dying of hunger or poverty. I know as a fact it was more dangerous to live in my parents time yet they didn't complain as much as we do. I think our problems has more to do with a shift in culture than any thing else: middle class house holds now more commonly have two working adults, both may be college educated and have less kids than the working class who cannot even come close to competing with only one working adult and more children. The rise in urbanism is not the future, it is a problem. It is hopefully a temporary fix as people move from the suburbs back into cities to look for jobs. Cities spend all of their money repairing 50-100 year old infrastructure, paying super high wages to entrenched union workers, who don't even really get all of that money because it goes to union dues and high taxes, only to live in a city where the rent is probably going to be super high because everyone wants in the city lifestyle or opportunities. Obviously our jobs now are becoming more specific, blue collar jobs are dying, yet I dont think that in a country with such wealth, an increase in joblessness is a nation breaker. People dont need to shop at oligopolistic mega stores yet they still do because no one knows how to cook anymore so companies like Perdue becomes more and more powerful (more too big to fail) and obesiety goes up, not everyone needs a credit card or college education, yet loan debt is insane in this country. No one knows what is good quality wood, or quality craftsmanship, people shop at k-mart and Ikea and just funnel their money to the one percent, I dont think the govt can really stop that with out intrusive measures or wealth distribution which i just don't think is fair. Even on minimum wage it is possible to live a good life in this country, the only problem is that Americans now grow up in almost complete solitude, anti-social unless selling oneself on social media, with no culture, they expect to live a happy urban life on low wages and lack an appreciation for humbleness, and this kind of life that alot of people try to live today was never possible. It was never possible to raise a family off of minimum wage, why are we assuming it ever will be. Sadly there is such a thing as stupid selfish people, I can't think of any thing more selfish then to bring children into a neglected world where the parents can't even take care of themselves. Instead of buying a few good outfits that you could be proud of, I see my friends burn pay check to paycheck on clothing that they are never satisfied with, they don't even realize how wealthy they are compared to your average world person. So I just think no matter who we get, there wouldn't be any huge sweeping changes in our economic environment, but lower taxes are always nice.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He was a leader. Period
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He's not a stealth lslamic jihadis
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
better times then now
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because 0bama has too many Pinocchios. He lies & he will destroy the US.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
he's white
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Stability and not socialist oriented
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush is a true American. Obama is a faux Aerican.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
media pounded Bush like a pinyata, daily, statistic's don't lie, Bush accum less debt with alot of major incidents, Bush's GDP was almost 4x better, unemployment was lower, and the terrorists where scared of him. in 2007, the usa had the largest tax revenues in us history. Bush maintained the usa as a Military power second to none, kept us safe, Clintons NAFTA, and his loosening the reigns on sub-prime mortgage lenders crashed on Bush's watch, Bush made mistakes, who didn't, yet he never pointed a finger or placed blame on the previous admin for their part in his misery
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush emulated principles, respect, transparency, and honesty. Obama's pays lip service to the same.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
President Bush has leadership, Integrity, he is Honest and what you see is what you get.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Believe in the conservative principles that define George W. Bush.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
barry sucks
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Better than obama
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Unemployment better and debt much better. Believe our current Presiden is nothing but a liar. I voted for him and have regretted this error in judgment.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The truth is in the man, not in Obama.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
President bush is just a better choice for anything over comrade nobama
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is Not Obama.
Obama has been focused on removed rights of Americans, shredding the Constitution, and destroying our country. He is an embarrassment to our country, he runs around the world apologizing for our country. He has no respect for our military or defense. He has expanded government, government control, entitlements/welfare, and our debt.
What exactly has he done to benefit this country? Worse than nothing he has seriously damaged our country. Hopefully we can recover from his damage and specifically reverse Obamacare!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Now that I've seen both of these men as presidents, I believe Pres. Bush was better at the job.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush was a more truthful President and love his country. He and his family didn't squander his position as president to live high on the hog. O enjoyed the support of the media who covers for his shortcomings and not only didn't they vet him, but minimizes his disastrous policies and untruthful statements.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
His love for this country.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Obama's spending!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Economy and his love for the country
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I believe although I campaigned for Barack he is more interested in a long term career as a GAME SHOW Host than leading our country. His valued on based on his personal popularity. He had control over both the house and senate when taking office and has done nothing to reduce the debt, end campaign guidelines, advance the education system or tax process. He spends more time with Matt Lauder at NBC than with our cabinet. Jimmy Carter must be happy to have someone follow him that is worse for the image of the President in the eyes of America for knowing what the **** he is doing.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cause obama is black
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
more experience and better understanding of the economy.

  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because BH Obama is not an American BH Obama is a criminal. BH Obama is a liar.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Primarily because I cannot stand any more HOPE AND 401k cannot stand it, my mortgage cannot stand it and the current administration is the most corrupt in the history of the USA.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because our country was a lot better off under President Bush. Obama is taking us down a path of marxism and socialism that will destroy our nation

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