American Born Confused Desi or Fresh Off The Boat: Who is more confused?

  • American Born Confused Desi
  • Fresh Off The Boat
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American Born Confused Desi - 1Fresh Off The Boat
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
(Its totally up to the bringing of child) I am FOB and my wife is abcd and now we are settled in India there are some cultural problems but we can solve it, when i was in us i find there is a big difference i find sometimes that abcd lives in 2 worlds and some abcd told me that i dont know which world should i choose. Same apply to FOB they are not confused but they are trying hard to adapt american culture and some trying to fake it. (NO BIAS its my personal view what i have observe it. I have so many abcd friends even my wife is abcd and she is very proud of indian.
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