Paying one's salutation to the devinity that resides in the individual acknowleges the oneness of the Supreme Consciousness not just the individual.
less formal
For greeting People not God.
Because you said so. I know nothing.
How many divine folks are there? Just about everyone you meet is “plain”, therefore I believe Namaskar should be used more often.
Used as a greeting in my church (New Thought, Unity)
Namaskar be used to greet a person, while Namaste should best be used when addressing the divine.
Reading your good article on this. I want an India term to greet people and not the devine.
Namaste sounds more like it should be used during prayer.
To greet human beings, not the divine.
Public vs divinity in there culture. elders vs the divine is another aspect as w
Vedanta teaches that the Divine, the Atman is our true selves
the in-dwelling soul, while the human form is but a temporary
shell. Sat Chit Ananda (Light, consciousness, bliss) does not mention
body. We are not our bodies, nor our minds.
Therefore, based on this knowledge, it is more appropriate and exact,
to use the greeting "Namaskar".
•Yogis recommend that Namaskar be used to greet a person, while Namaste should best be used when addressing the divine.
After reading the above, it is clear that I am am more often than not, going to be in daily, general contact with people in passing than those whom are divine. I don't really know if my yoga instructor/s are "divine?" Would it be inaccurate to address my instructors with Namaskar unless they ask me to great or depart with Namaste, though?
Stating "namaskar" when greeting an individual does, indeed, honor both the person and the greater ground of being (not referring to a deity) which constitutes all life.
To greet a person, namaste to honor the supreme within.
namaskar is bengali word, and therefore is more logical and smart word!!! :)
In that we greet humans more oftenn than we probably spend time bowing to Brahman.
The definition
While I believe the individual IS divine, I believe that no individual yet embodies the ALLNESS of divinity. Therefore I agree with the yogis who recommend Namaskar as a greeting.